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Smart City Shivamogga
![Smart City Shivamogga Smart City Shivamogga](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1442575679190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 18, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 31, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Shivamogga City Corporation, Shivamogga in Karnataka State has been selected by the Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities to participate in the Smart City ...
we should clean narmada rever and our jabalpur city and delvelop cleaness sense in our socity.
There should be a speed limit of vehicle according to areas .
A city is not smart until it manages its waste well. Waste management process should be decentralised and locality based, quick and real time. It is surprising to note that 70% of waste is organic in nature & can be reprocessed before it becomes waste or, thereafter, can be recycled in a sustainable manner. We have invented a Green Waste Reprocessor machine which re-process all green reject and converts it into valuable by-products
"Shivamogga an Eco Friendly, Technology driven, Safe, Highly Productive and Self Sustainable Smart City"
Smart Education system. It will be given top priority and there is a more need for its awareness.
Integrated Mass-Transport,Mobility and connectivity.There must be intelligent traffic system.
Vibrant Economy-creating employment and livelihood.
Clean city-solid waste management and waste water management.......!!!!!!
Underground Sewage system.
Development of Renewable sources of Energy.
Storm Water Management.
We need to make it mandatory for new buildings constructed in city premises to provide some of the space for planting trees and promoting green India campaign.
Safety and security of citizens.......!!!
Firstly, traffic issues must be solved.....!
Make more manufacturing industries in shivamogga industrial area.As jobs increases unemployment decreases.And also it increases city population.......!!!
first thing we need keep your street clean and green, then city automitically become clean. but we need good support from carporation that they should get wastage quick and every day without fail.
Roads in some areas need attention regarding their timely repair, transportation, water-supply, electricity and private transporters are still problem for administration.....!!!!