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TRAI Invites Suggestions for Consultation Paper on Allotment of spectrum to Indian Railways for Public Safety and Security services
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jun 25, 2019
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 05, 2019
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Department of Telecommunications (DoT) through their letter dated 27th February 2019 has informed that Indian Railways has proposed to install an Ultra-high-speed LTE based ...
Installing automatic water level monitoring system with intelligent field device in every station, low level flood route Ares and on bridges to.monitor the height of water from internet . this way it is possible tp analyse the sitwatiin while in flood , monsoons and landslide . in this mahalekshmi express which got halted in flood hit region in Mumbai can be stopped in some station if the driver and other far away can know the rise if water by WLMI & IFD as there is radars , sensors used forcast
मोदी जी में एक रेल का ट्रैकमैन हूँ। अपने लिए कोई चाह नही रख रहा आपसे निवेदन करता हूँ। कि लोकल ट्रेन में कुछ बोगियां और बढ़वाने का कस्ट करे में आए दिन देखता हूँ। कि सवारी अंदर बाहर पूरी तरह भर कर जाती है तथा हफ्ते दो हफ्ते में कभी कभी कोई दुर्घटना भी हो जाती है कोई पैसेंजर नीचे भी गिर जाते है इसलिए मेरा आप से अनुरोध है कि जहाँ मेट्रो या अन्य विकल्प कम है उन क्षेत्रों में लोकल ट्रेनों में डिब्बो की संख्या बढ़ाए जिससे हमारे ग्राहक सन्तुष्टि भारी यात्रा कर सके जय हिंद जय रेल
Every train speed should be increased by new engines.
I want to convey the government that they should lay stress on stations ticket because many unwanted people entry and make crowd and disturbance .
airtel network has putting a validity and
when minimum recharge of 23.They asking compulsory otherwise they told incomming and outgoing will be stopped.They sent message like this(
Your outgoing services have Stopped. Restart your Airtel number by recharging with Unlimited or Smart pack. Ignore if recharged).Kindly help us.
Namskar PM Ji Railways main aur adhik Suvidhayen pradan ki jayen jisse Rail Yatra sugamy ho.
Instead of allotment of spectrum, we should revive MTNL and BSNL by authorizing them to provide this service. The meagre allotment will not solve problem, then there will be need of huge investment for infrastructure. We will ourselves create a new probable NPA for future as the investment in telecom is multiple more than the return.
Also when all will be government to government then therew ill be no need to make huge process as well, all can be done by mixing the synergies of the two.
we should journey of every person make secure &simply. I think telecom spectrum play major role in this .rail yatri always face network problems when his journey due this reason criminal ,personal health,,telecommunications & other problems.
I think setup of trai spectrum solve it...