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TRAI Invites Suggestions for Consultation Paper on Allotment of spectrum to Indian Railways for Public Safety and Security services

TRAI Invites Suggestions for Consultation Paper on Allotment of spectrum to Indian Railways for Public Safety and Security services
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jun 25, 2019
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 05, 2019
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

Department of Telecommunications (DoT) through their letter dated 27th February 2019 has informed that Indian Railways has proposed to install an Ultra-high-speed LTE based ...

Department of Telecommunications (DoT) through their letter dated 27th February 2019 has informed that Indian Railways has proposed to install an Ultra-high-speed LTE based communication corridor along their network for Train-Ground and Train-Train communication. In this connection Indian Railways has requested DoT to reserve 15 MHz of spectrum in 700 MHz band for the purpose and to begin with 10 MHz to be allocated free of cost as the proposal is devoid of any commercial gain, but only for enhancing security and passenger amenities. Through the said letter, DoT has also requested TRAI to provide recommendations on administrative allotment of spectrum to Indian Railways and the quantum, price, appropriate frequency band (including 450-470 MHz band) and any other related issue.

A Consultation Paper on “Allotment of Spectrum to Indian Railways for Public Safety and Security Services” has been released to discuss the issues involved. Written comments on the issues raised in the Consultation Paper are invited from the stakeholders by 22nd July 2019 and counter-comments by 5th August 2019.

For any clarification / information Shri S.T. Abbas, Advisor (Networks, Spectrum & Licensing), TRAI may be contacted at Telephone Number +91-11-23210481.

फिर से कायम कर देना
1380 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
ELANGOVAN PANDIAN 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

Every railway station not clean ,every worker time passing only ,clean worker only 60% worked ,all toilet not cleaned and water problems, every box fitting camera. 1. Very strictly conditions for every engineers 2.every box digital camera fixed .3. every railway crossing digital alarm.4.no brokerage tickets not sale , all tickets online or station counter.5.

Dharampal Pasi
Dharampal Pasi 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

In rainy season railway should have one NDRF team in train with all equipments and medicine and pantry should have enough food to serve passengers in bad weather conditions to everyone and trains should have camera in all compartments and trains should be inspected with the TT supervisor and Railway police.

Uttam Yadav_18
Uttam Kumar 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

सबसे पहले जो भी बिना इमरजेंसी के चैन खींचे इसे तुरंत जेल में डालना चाहिए जिससे लोगों में डर जिसके चलते वैक्युम नहीं होगा और चोर ये सब ट्रेन को नहीं लूटेगा।
महिलाओ को बचाव नंबर पर कॉल लगना चाहिए ना की वो नंबर ऑफ रहे (१९८)

Richa Rani_7
Richa Rani 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

Following are the suggestions:
1.Latest technology sensors must be used at the entrance gates in every trains to avoid any illegal practices(such as smuggling of guns etc.) to ensure security.
2. Armed police must be assigned with latest technology devices for communication to ensure safety from robbers and eve teasers(especially for women).
3. Digital cameras must be installed in trains under working conditions for safety.
4. An emergency alarm sensor must also be installed for safety.

lucky_65 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

मेरे हिसाब से भारत मे safety के लिया सबसे पहले इंडियन रेलवे को ट्रैकों की सही तरीके से मरम्मत करनी चाइये ट्रैन मैं सकरनी चईये
1. रेलवे को हाईटेक होना चईये कुछ ऐसे सिस्टम बनाना चईये जिससे कि रेल को 10 कीलोमीटर पहले है पता लग जाय कि आगे कोई दिक्कत है
2. रेल लाइन पर कुछ इस प्रकार के सनसेर लगाने चहीये की रेल आने से पहले वह किसी प्रकार का अलार्म बजे जिससे अंधे लोगो को पता लग जाय।
3.बोगि के अनदर एक कैमेरा हो

Mohammed Fahad_2
Mohammed Fahad 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

Passenger Rail Safety Tips
STAY ALERT. Trains can come from either direction at any time and can be very quiet. ...
WATCH THE OVERHANG. Trains are wider than the tracks; never sit on the edge of a station platform.

RAJU ROY 5 साल 6 महीने पहले

After strict screening is needed very badly in railways. Otherwise number of uneducated Engineers will keep on growing. And forever the actual growth of Railways can never be expected. All work load will fall on limited workers and government would have the misconception that railways is doing good. Ground zero reality is entirely different. Whatever technology is brought into would not get 100℅ success