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सभी ब्लॉग Indian Railways

Winner Announcement of Ideas on How to Raise Money on Railways to Provide Better Services (Jan Bhagidari)
प्रविष्ट किया:16 Aug 2019

National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIR), under Ministry of Railways has organised a Public Competition on “How to Raise Money on Railways to Provide Better Services (Jan Bhagidari)”.  There were more than 2214 entries from a large group of ardent and creative participants of the country.

Winner Announcement of Innovation Challenges for Indian Railways
प्रविष्ट किया:06 Feb 2019

Innovation Challenges was conducted by Indian Railways on Nov. 2016 in compliance to the Hon’ble Ministers of Railway’s budget speech of 2016 in 06 areas to invite ideas and to augment the pace of Indian Railways operational improvements through innovative methods. For this, NIC web platform was used for entries. 3’d and final evaluation of the entries was carried out by a Evaluation Committee set up by Railway Board on 01-11-2018.

Best possible financial negotiation 'Japanese Bullet Train'
प्रविष्ट किया:13 Sep 2017

There is a clear misinformation campaign and propaganda with respect to India acquiring the Bullet Train technology from Japan. Attempts are being made to compare the project to past infrastructure projects and to create an illusion that India cannot afford the costs of the train system.

15 Citizen Ideas that Shaped the Rail Budget 2016-17
प्रविष्ट किया:25 Feb 2016

Citizen participation plays a vital role in a vibrant democracy. Continuing its efforts to encourage citizen participation in governance, MyGov, in association with Ministry of Railways, invited ideas to be incorporated in the rail budget for the second consecutive year.

Citizen Suggestions on MyGov and Actual Rail Budget Proposals
प्रविष्ट किया:26 Feb 2015

मेरी सरकार “भारतीय रेल” समूह द्वारा पिछले कुछ महीनों में नागरिकों द्वारा सुझाए गए कुछ उल्लेखनीय विचार प्रस्तुत किए जो रेल मंत्री श्री सुरेश प्रभु द्वारा 26 फ़रवरी 2015 पर प्रस्तुत 2015 के रेल बजट की प्रतिबद्धताओं में परिलक्षित होते हैं।

Ministry of Railways translates citizens’ ideas from MyGov into actions
प्रविष्ट किया:10 Feb 2015

मेरी सरकार के सदस्यों ने “भारतीय रेल” समूह जिसे पहले “डिजिटल रेल” समूह के नाम से भी जाना जाता था, पर अपने विचार साझा किए थे। इस समूह में दो विषयों “रेल पूछताछ प्रणाली” और “टिकटिंग सिस्टम” पर चर्चा हुई थी।