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Express your Patriotism through Stories and Experiences

Express your Patriotism through Stories and Experiences
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Aug 08, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 31, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

Har Ghar Tiranga is a campaign that encourages people to bring Tiranga home and hoist it to mark India's independence. ...

Har Ghar Tiranga is a campaign that encourages people to bring Tiranga home and hoist it to mark India's independence.

In this spirit, Ministry of Culture in collaboration with MyGov is organizing the Discussion on Express your Patriotism through Stories and Experiences to spread awareness about the revered National Flag of India, our beloved Tiranga.

Participants are encouraged to post personal anecdotes, reflections, and moments of pride associated with the Tiranga.

The compelling entries will be highlighted on MyGov's social media handles, showcasing the diverse ways in which people honor their country.

फिर से कायम कर देना
697 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
M S KUMARSWAMY 6 महीने 1 week पहले

The Student Activist
A university student starts a campaign to lower tuition fees and make education more accessible. She organizes peaceful protests, petitions, and dialogues with university officials and government representatives. Her relentless advocacy results in policy changes that reduce financial barriers for future students, reflecting her belief in education as a fundamental right and her commitment to her country’s development.

M S KUMARSWAMY 6 महीने 1 week पहले

The Science Innovator
A scientist dedicates her career to researching affordable renewable energy solutions for her country. Despite numerous setbacks and lack of funding, she perseveres, driven by the belief that her work could reduce the country’s dependence on foreign oil. After years of research, she develops a low-cost solar panel technology that revolutionizes energy access in rural areas, contributing to national self-reliance and sustainability.

M S KUMARSWAMY 6 महीने 1 week पहले

The Silent Farmer
A farmer decides to adopt sustainable farming practices to protect the environment and ensure food security for his country. He introduces organic farming techniques, teaches neighboring farmers, and helps them shift away from harmful chemicals. Even though the transition is challenging and initially unprofitable, he perseveres. His efforts contribute to healthier food for the nation and promote environmental conservation, showing his deep-seated love for his country’s future.

M S KUMARSWAMY 6 महीने 1 week पहले

The Teacher’s Mission
An urban teacher moves to a conflict-ridden area to educate children who have been deprived of quality education. Despite the lack of resources and safety concerns, she teaches with passion and dedication. She believes that education can transform lives and serve as a foundation for peace and development. Over the years, she sees her students excel and contribute positively to their community, reflecting her patriotic belief that education is vital for a nation’s progress.

M S KUMARSWAMY 6 महीने 1 week पहले

The Doctor’s Call of Duty
Dr. Anjali Menon was a young doctor specializing in infectious diseases. When a severe epidemic broke out in a remote region of the country, she was one of the first to volunteer. The area was severely affected, with limited medical infrastructure and a high rate of infections. Many doctors were hesitant to go due to the risk of infection and the challenging working conditions. Dr. Menon, however, felt a strong sense of duty toward her country and its people. She worked tirelessly, often forgoing sleep, to treat patients and train local health workers. Her efforts helped contain the outbreak, and her selflessness and bravery were widely recognized. Dr. Menon’s actions exemplified patriotism through service, showing that love for one’s country can mean putting others’ needs before one’s own, even at great personal risk.

M S KUMARSWAMY 6 महीने 1 week पहले

The Soldier’s Ultimate Sacrifice:
Captain Arjun Singh was a decorated officer in the army, known for his bravery and leadership. Deployed in a conflict-ridden region, he led a platoon tasked with safeguarding a strategic post. One night, under the cover of darkness, the enemy launched a surprise attack. Outnumbered and outgunned, Captain Singh faced a dire situation. Realizing the gravity of the moment, he decided to stay back and hold the line, giving his men enough time to retreat to a safer position. His actions saved countless lives, but he was mortally wounded in the process. Captain Singh’s last words to his second-in-command were, "Tell my family I love them, and tell my country I did my duty." His sacrifice became a symbol of ultimate patriotism, reminding everyone that love for one’s country sometimes requires the greatest sacrifice of all.

Harihara Rout_1
Harihara Rout 6 महीने 1 week पहले

नमस्कार, राज्य मे अगर नई सरकार आया है, सरकारी आदेश की मानना अबस्यक है, ऐसा होता नहीं है, जबतक नीचे से लेकर ऊपर तक परिवर्तन न हो, ऑफिस मे नेटवर्क एक ही है , चाहे जो भी विभाग हो सब मिले जुले हैं, उनका रासी बंधा हुआ है मासिक, देखने मे आया है तालाब गंदा करने को आदेश मिलता है, मछली खाता कोई और है, सोचे, खुले नहीं कहा जाता, डिस्ट्रिक्ट वाइज की मेल को तोड़े, संपति की हिसाब ले, हम contractual हैं ११ साल हो गया,जॉब मे कोई सुविधा नहीं, उसका बिल का हिसाब करें, देते है २५ ००० केवल, जय जननी

badri prasad garodia 6 महीने 1 week पहले

Dear Modiji,
jai hind,
I want to know why Tinsukia Municipal board was fighting for the Chair of Chairmanship, when an election of Municipal Board, and the board ward commissioner was elected of BJP they general public was hampered no work of Tinsukia they are elected by the public vote in this regards Put example that affidavit was submitted in that office on 29/01/24 till to day that was nothing done and they are much busy in there official duties so the have no time I request you to alow me seat in hunger strike if your honour interfere required to do the necessary action in this regards I requested the local MLA Sri, Sanjoy kishan but sorry nothing that is zero.

Dinkar Harmalkar
DinkarHarmalkar 6 महीने 1 week पहले

माननीय पंतप्रधान मोदी जी. आप ईसे exam warriors समझे ya कोई मंत्रा, बस इस मॅसेज को decode करके सम्झे, त्रेतकल का जैसे रावण ने आतंक माचाया हूवा था, ऊसी प्रकार से पिचले 2000 सलों से जो ब्रह्मराक्षस आतंक मचा रहा है, धर्म का विनाश करणे पे तुला है, अधर्म पुरी दुनिया मैं फैला रहा है, बांगलादेश, बंगाल, काश्मीर, पाकिस्तान, etc . ये उसके गढ है. आज प्रभू की लीला से उसकी नाभी ऑर उसके अमृत का पता प्राप्त हूव है, कौन सा रामबाण ऑर कैसा सुदर्शन चक्र चालना है उसका भी पता मिल गया है. धरती पे अधर्म बड रहा है, ऑर धर्म का विनाश हो रहा है. एक नारायण सैनिक होने के नाते ये मैं ऑर उसका हल होने के नाते ये सब मेरी बरदशत से बाहर हे. कृपया ऐक बार समय निकाल के मिल लीजीये. मेरी बात समज मैं आयी तो पुरे जगत मैं फिर एक से धर्म की स्थापना होगी, अधर्म कलियुग समाप्त हो जयेगा. 2-3 बार आप को मेसेज कर चुका हु. मेरी बात को समझ सकते है तो ऐक बार मिल्ने का अवसर बना लीजिये, जय जगन्नाथ हर हर महादेव

Charithra U 6 महीने 1 week पहले

Namaste prime minister modi sir,
I am not with much things... it with the patriotism for people by a reporter...I was on the way to and I went to a cobbler who was a reporter before to and there was a construction site where many workers and thier family was there cobbler was pity about the young ones who was helping their family and he said right to education to the younger ones and wasn't they are not for the education. patriotism starts with the uniformity of society where all equally gets all the rights of the society equally all should get basic education upto 10th...I was in 9th std when this incident happened and This is my very small incident.
Thank you
Charithra U