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Selfie with AB PM-JAY 70+ Beneficiary

Selfie with AB PM-JAY 70+ Beneficiary
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Oct 30, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Nov 18, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

The National Health Authority under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India is organizing a selfie with AB PM-JAY 70+ Beneficiary contest to celebrate the inclusion ...

The National Health Authority under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India is organizing a selfie with AB PM-JAY 70+ Beneficiary contest to celebrate the inclusion of senior citizens aged 70 years and above under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY).
Participants are encouraged to take a selfie with any senior citizens who are 70 years and above and share the story of how the scheme would impact their lives.


The winning entries will be awarded:

1st Prize- Rs. 10,000/-
2nd Prize- Rs. 7,500/-
3rd Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
The next 10 participants will receive consolation prize in the form of certificates.

Submission Format:

Participants can upload their selfies with a senior citizen (aged 70 or above), along with a brief story (up to 50 words) describing how the scheme is expected to impact the senior citizen’s life.

Submissions are accepted in the following Image specification and format:

1. Resolution: A high-resolution image with approximately 1080p.
2. Format: JPEG or PNG format.
3. Orientation: Portrait mode preferred.
4. Clarity: Ensure faces are clearly visible.
5. Lighting: Take the selfie in a well-lit area to enhance clarity.
6. Background: Ensure the background is clean and free of any objectionable or distracting elements.

Submission Format (step by step)

I. Take a selfie (preferably in portrait mode) with the senior citizen aged 70 and above.

II. Post the picture using #SelfieWithABPMJAY70+ on social media platforms.

III. Submit your image in a PDF format in the following order:
a. Image
b. A short description in 50 words
c. The link of the Social Media post

IV. PDF file size should not exceed 2 MB

V. Make one PDF document and submit on MyGov portal

Please note: Participants may be required to provide his/her proof of identity and the identity of the beneficiary if requested.

Click here for Terms and Conditions. (PDF 438 KB)

For any concern related to this Ministry, please connect on the Ministry website directly - https://abdm.gov.in/

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