Suggest A Hashtag and Tagline for Jan Aushadhi Diwas 2025

With a new vision and target of opening 25,000 Jan aushadhi Kendras across the country for better reach amongst the citizens, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau of India ...
With a new vision and target of opening 25,000 Jan aushadhi Kendras across the country for better reach amongst the citizens, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI), Department of Pharmaceuticals, Govt. of India is now focusing on engaging more entrepreneurs, stakeholders and citizens to raise high scale awareness about Janaushadhi medicines which are available through more than 15,000 Kendras at 50% to 80% cheaper price.
In order to mark the 7th Janaushadhi Diwas celebration for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau of India (PMBI) in collaboration with MyGov is organizing a Hashtag and Tagline contest which should signify the importance of the day and to encourage citizens to use generic medicines to the extent possible so everyone has access to affordable medication and treatment.
Theme of the contest is Daam Kam- Dawai Uttam.
Participation Guidelines:
1. Entrants can make only one submission.
2. 3 taglines and 2 Hashtags in English & Hindi on the theme should be made.
3. The document should be in PDF format.
4. Usage of AI tools would strictly lead to cancellation of entries.
1st Prize - Rs 5,000/-
2nd Prize - Rs 3,000/-
3rd Prize - Rs 2,000/-
Top hashtags/taglines will be posted on the social media handles of Jan Aushadhi.
Click here for Terms and Conditions PDF - 168 KB
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