Logo Design Competition for Solapur - Towards a Smart City

As all of you are aware that, Solapur is selected under the Smart City Mission and our city has to compete with 98 other cities to make it to the top 20 cities to be taken up for ...
As all of you are aware that, Solapur is selected under the Smart City Mission and our city has to compete with 98 other cities to make it to the top 20 cities to be taken up for first round of funding, for year 2015-16. The city is in process of formulating a vision, mission and a proposal in consultation with citizens and other stakeholders. In this process to give the entire Solapur Smart City proposal making exercise an identity, we now have decided to have a logo for Solapur as a Smart City. To engage substantial number of the citizens in designing the logo for the Solapur as a Smart City we have organized a Logo Design Competition. Logo making competition will be done at the city level in Solapur under the smart city initiative.
All Colleges/ School Students/Citizen will upload their respective logos on Solapur – Towards a Smart City section under the www.mygov.in
Terms and Conditions
1. All the entries must be submitted online through https://mygov.in and hard copies of the logo shall be submitted in a sealed envelope along with the soft copy of the logo in a compact disk (CD) at the Smart Cities Cell in the office of Solapur Municipal Corporation building.
2. You are also required to provide your personal details in a separate sheet of paper mentioning, your name, email address (if any), phone number, date of birth, qualifications, profession, grade your studying in (if you are a student) etc.
3. Minimum Size of Logo shall be 4” X 4” and the resolution of the logo shall not be less than 300 dpi.
4. Last date for submission of entries is 15th November 2015.
5. Logo shall not use any material (Photograph, icon, symbol, image etc.) that is copyright protected
6. All the entries which are submitted online shall be submitted in *.jpeg format only.
7. The logo of the winning entries shall be property of the Solapur Municipal Corporation and shall have rights to use the logo.
Prizes for Best Entries
1. Of all the entries received by the Corporation, three best entries shall be selected by the competent jury. The 1st, 2ndand 3rd prize winner shall be awarded the prize of Rs. 20,000/-, Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 10,000/- respectively.
Winning logo shall be used by the Corporation for Solapur Smart City throughout the program. Solapur Municipal Corporation wishes all the best to the participants of the logo competition.