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Everytime priority is given to the needy persons. This is not incorrect but meritorious and talented students should also be motivated by keeping them in the same category to make nation strong and to keep Indian talent in India to use for the growth of our India and to make India a developed country in the world.
Pradhan mantri ji pranam.vikram Samwat 2080 ki bahut bahut shubhkamna .
International yog day should be celebrated as 21 June of every year.there are some suggestion for it.
1 Yog mela should be organised on occasion of different festival.
2 summer yog camp will be organised for children at summer vacation.
3 Yog session will be organised at Panchayat level and upload their video on social media.
4 A national yog portal will be made for collect all data and information related to yog day.
5 A national yog capital will be announced on occasion of yog day.
6 A yog booklet will be issue on occasion of international yog day.all information include in it.
7 A national yog competition will be organised for all resident of our country to participate in it.
8 A yog channel will be launched for promote and aware people about it.
Hon'ble PM, For validation of Amrutmahotsav replay of Quit India Movement on 08 August 2023 may be arranged by merging British Infantry Bazar, Royal Artillery Bazar, Sadar Bazar & Bungalows in Adjoining Municipalities . Fortification on A-1 land has already been made by units like Military Station. Their few left outs may be shifted to A1 land gradually from Civil Area. Civil Area may be renamed Amrut Estates & Military Area as Defence Estates after swallowing drop of Amrut of Municipalities like head of Swarbhanu renamed as Rahu and remaining dead body was renamed as Ketu after Amtutmanthan. Families in FAFA quarters may co-exist with families of People of Democratic Republic of India. Abandoned Military Farmlands may be utilized for Integrated Battle Groups by shifting troops of all the 03 forces. Troops may be shifted to Air Force & Naval Basis also to integrate wings under 05 Theater Commands under CDS in place of 17 Commands on China Pattern. Surplus A2 land may be auctioned.
Dear PM Shri. Modi Ji,
Hope you are doing good.
I would like to bring to your attention that we need to start focusing on the Green environment across the country for curbing the pollution/ climate change by planting more trees and we need strict laws to stop the deforestation.
I suggest you to make a law for the citizens, like plant 1 tree 1 home policy, 1 tree 1 plot policy and for agriculture land can have more trees policy. We can also implement greet tax for not planting enough trees as per law.
To encourage the citizens, the government needs to provide the free plants to citizens to involve everyone.
Hope this suggestion will be considered.
Thank you.
Dear PM Shri. Modi Ji,
Hope you are doing good.
I would like to bring your kind notice that we need to start focusing on the Green environment across the country for curbing the pollution/ climate change by planting more trees and we need strict laws to stop the deforestation.
I suggest you to make a law for the citizens, like plant 1 tree 1 home policy, 1 tree 1 plot policy and for agriculture land can have more trees policy. We can also implement greet tax for not planting enough trees as per law.
To encourage the citizens, the government needs to provide the free plants to citizens to involve everyone.
Hope this suggestion will be considered.
Thank you.
প্রিয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী মহোদয়, প্রথমে আপনার সর্ব কুশল কামনা করি। আপনার নেতৃত্বে বর্হিবিশ্বে ভারতের অবস্থান বেশ সন্তোষ জনক। আমরা চাই, ন্যাটো বর্হিভূত বিশ্বে ভারতের নেতৃত্ব তথা অভিভাবকত্ব প্রতিষ্ঠা হোক। এটা নয় যে ঔপনিবেশিক আদর্শ প্রয়োগ হোক, পারস্পরিক সহযোগীতার উপর ভিত্তি করেই এটা অর্জন করা হোক।
Dear Prime Minister, First of all I wish you all the best. Under your leadership, India's position in the outside world is quite satisfactory. We want India's leadership and guardianship to be established in the non-NATO world. It is not that colonial ideals should be applied, it should be achieved based on mutual cooperation.
I really don't think so that Prime minister will read our problems and find a solution to it. Pls if you really wanted to bring change educate our farmers as much as you can. Please utilise people studying in the sector of agriculture. All the graduates, post graduates and PhD holders in agriculture can help to bring a change in the cultivation.
We should change the way we educate the people. I feel like we are an educated fools. Because our education is not enhancing our wisdom. We are destroying our planet each day. There is no creativity, clarity, we don't know what are we passionate about. So finally what is the purpose of life.
Iam Priyanka from Andhra Pradesh completed my graduation in agriculture. I think farmers need an intensive support from all the sectors. We need to educate them a lot about organic farming. How Sikkim state has proven itself by bringing lots of changes in the state. If we start now in the other states atleast by 10 or next 15 years we may see the change. People should become as selfish as they can interms of food they consume and about their health. Every city is filled with pollution. There is no good food, fresh water and not even air. Peace is not at all present in this world. Where are we running for and what are we striving for each day. We have almost polluted our world with our actions. If we don't initiate to take any action out next generations tend to suffer a lot.
It was thrilling to be at the Republic Summit last month & to see the Honorable Prime Minister Shri Modiji at such close quarters
Honorable Prime Minister Modiji gives a lot of encouragement to startups and to make in India
However, the new version of the MCA Portal, version 3, from Ministry of Corporate Affairs, is frought with problems and errors. Even the MCA officials struggle with it. Can this please be fixed on priority basis? It is an uphill battle to get resolutions on time and affects the productivity of small startups
Also, please have videos subtitled in English on youtube for Modiji's talks in Hindi. It will help the non-Hindi speaking population of India very much. The attached video link https://youtu.be/EWVZ6ud8z_o showed a personal side of Modiji that was unknown to most Indians and the subtitles helped many of my non Hindi speaking friends & relatives.
Thank you