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A strong international organization is needed to replace the United Nations.
In the past, the United Nations has not been able to provide solutions to many problems such as war crimes, border issues, and terrorism. It has also not been able to prevent wars.The special powers given to some countries have saved many countries from doing wrong.Globalization and liberalization are not for everyone.
All countries need to work together on global warming.
All countries should work together to form an international government to solve international problems.
It should be explored whether there are opportunities to set up an international government with financial, educational, military strength, human resources, environmental protection, trade and judicial powers. Rather than our expectation of permanent membership and special powers, efforts can be made to create an international government that gives equal powers to all nations
Companies involved in lay off should be banned for three years from hiring new employees & trainees.Many companies are eliminating permanent employees and hiring trainees at lower wages.Layoffs are increasing after the new labor code came into effect. It is clear that companies are starting to promote their positive aspects.It seems that the term "permanent employee" does not exist in private limited companies. Private Limited is planning to hire twice as many employees at half the salary.
It is understood that private limited companies do this with the intention of layoff while firing permanent employees and hiring trainees.
Companies that do lay offs should be banned from hiring trainees for the next three years.If the central government does not pay attention to this matter, the wages of private limited workers will be reduced by half.The central government should prevent the increase in lay offs after the new labor codes come into effect.
माननीय महोदय पी एम मोदी जी को
मेरा पणाम।
आज मेरी मन की बात है कि इस आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र में जो इतना गलत तरीके से काम हो रहा है। उसे रोका जाए। सिफॅ इसमें भस्टाचार ही होता है। और विकास कम से कम होता है। और गलती करती है। उपर के कर्मचारियों ने।और बात सुननी पडती है सहायिका को जो कि सारे फन्ड के पैसे आते हैं सेविका के खाते में। जो कि 30 से40 हजार रुपये कर लेती है। और टाइम देती है मात्र 2 घंटे की जो कि ज्यादा से ज्यादा काम हम सहायिका को ही करना होता है। ये सब तो सिर्फ़ रजिस्ट्रेशन मेनटन करती है। और यह सब बिहार में ज्यादा होती है। अब हम सबको आपसे यही अनुरोध है कि हम सहायिका के बारे में कुछ भी कदम उठाने की कोशिश करेंगे हम सब का तो मानदेय मात्र 2975 र है इससे हम सहायिका को क्या लाभ होता है।
प्रधानमंत्रीजी 💯 बाद पहला संस्करण है रोज़गार मुद्दा हो, फिक्स सैलरी इंकम पर सरकार नियुक्तियां या जॉब निकाले, अच्छे कार्य करने पर 20% की वृद्धि पर 5 वर्ष पुनर्नियुक्ती करे, वेतन नियंत्रित हो, रोज़गार मांगने वाले शर्तें नही रखते, सरकार खुद शर्तें रख कर सर पर बिठा लेती है। सरकारी कर्मचारियों, अधिकारियों को कार्य से ज़्यादा वेतन है, उदाहरण है वर्षों से नियुक्तियां ना होते भी कार्य हो रहें है फिर भी वेतन/पेंशन का बजेट अधिकतम हो गया है, विधायक, सांसद, मंत्रीयों के मानधन मे भी 50% कटौती ज़रूरी है, शुरुआत इन्हीं लोगों से हो तो विरोध नहीं होगा, पेंशन पाने के लिए खुद का निवेश ज़रूरी हो।
respected sir,
plz kindly think on contractual employees working in under central and state government projects for their remuneration.
give them respectve salary and social security scheme. please give them EPF and EIS scheme benefits.they also contribute nation building in very less salary..
Really disappointed in investing in India. As NRIs my family invested heavily in India looking at your dedication and honesty.
I have 4 Gurugram HRERA cases against prominent Developers M3M, Vatika, AIPl, NEO.
It is taking more than 3 years for judgments, then execution orders and payment is still a struggle. Developers are being helped by BJP in Haryana. Developers cheat customers - getting OC for an incomplete property, break many agreement clauses and don’t pay. The concept of refund by Developers is actually in their favour because they are paying refund on values of 5-10 years back. Interest is so low compared the interest Developers get from Banks. BJP in Gurugram is sleeping. Please wake up! Don’t brush this under “ease of business” - this is frustrating buyers and Haryana is an unsafe investment destination.
If laws are strong and investors safeguarded more investors will invest. I have sworn never to invest again and I tell others the same.
Last few days while I am surfing my govt or even posting my comment. I suddenly get an OTP for which I have not even entered any of my details.
I'm not sure if my account is hacked.
Feeling concerned because this is the highest office and I cannot afford any impersonations.
Please pardon if my fears are unfounded if all is well.
Consolidate lands of those farmers who have scattered land in different Gram Sabha. This will improve mechanised farming.
bharat ka vikas kasa ho !
I am writing to you with a heartfelt appeal regarding the recognition of my late son, Akash Mahanty, and his significant contributions to the open-source community. Akash Mahanty, a second-year student at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, tragically passed away on May 11, 2023, at the age of 20, due to acute liver failure caused by Hepatitis-A. Akash possessed an unwavering passion for making a positive impact through his work in the open-source domain. His contributions gained recognition and popularity in the United States and Europe but unfortunately went unnoticed in our country. I humbly request your support in honoring my son's memory by mentioning his name and commendable contributions in your forthcoming "Mann Ki Baat" address to the nation. Such recognition would bring solace to our grieving family and inspire other young minds to follow in his footsteps for the betterment of our nation. I remain hopeful for a positive response.
Prabir Mahanty