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globalization is heading the temperature of earth, hence the solution is here,in every village and city their is govt unused land, govt must give that area on lease to local people only for planting trees,
Some elements are trying to defame Indian democracy in foreign country should be taken seriously to denounce the elements.
Hello sir I am meenakshi khaneja and my daughter is a model milk or cylender ke prize cam karva dijiye and poor people ko ek mahine ka rashan free
Respected sir, Good Day. Post Independence still our country struggling to raise even though we are having all the resources. The one and only reason 'CORRUPTION'. The dreaded disease which is deep routed through bad politicians . And now more people also corrupted. If we cannot stop this our country never grows to superpower. As off now there is not capital punishment for corruption activities. A stringent law should come to give capital punishment and also corruption to be treated as a National Threat and to be come under NATIONAL SECURITY ACT. And more legal procedure to be minimized and the culprit to be brought to punishment with in short period. Moreover court is giving only jail punishment which is not enough. court should cease all the properties of the family / relatives related to the case . And his all public documents which used for quality living to be blocked.
public dox - AAdhar/ PAN/ Driving Licence/ Bank accounts/ Voter ID/Ration card/ Insurance facility. JAIHIND
I have the idea
How can BJP WIN thumping win 2024
there is a new beginning in which every party like BJP offering free services to all national.
But actually it's not good for the nation and the people of whom business is related to that particular service like your govt is giving free medicines to all , What's the benefit of this ? The person related with pharmaceutical business will not give you the Vote.
Actually by this your govt is discourage the Indian pharma business.
And now AAP Is offering mohalla clinics.
It's cheap politics.
If your govt start empathising Compulsory Insurance for all Indian population.
by this way the person can take medical treatment not only in govt hospitals but also in private hospitals too.
Similarly if your govt asked every farmer for compulsory crop insurance .Then the process of damage crop will be covered by the insurance agency.
this way a big boom can come in insurance sector.And liability ongovt willd ecrease
Please check these mushrooming fake appointment letters and fake institutes which promises jobs throughout India like Orissa, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Just like ED is taking action on financial scams on ministers, please take action against these computer institutes also which are mushrooming without giving even a completion certificates and any trace of doing a course with them by not giving any of their contact numbers after collecting the fee and banks are also financing them by getting emi.
HONORABLE Narendra Modi ji 🙏
Please give some thoughts giving some jobs people who do course after course even without getting a completion certificate and also getting fake appointment letters and no institute is giving jobs but only some fake job guarantee. Please lot of computer institutes has mushroomed in Hyderabad and Bangalore and even in New Delhi and other areas. But no action is taken on them even if we write to PMO Office as complaints only to be withdrawn without even any notice from the PM or the highest form of authorities to take action on them.
सेवा में,
श्री प्रधानमंत्री जी,
मैं मंदाकिनी नदी को लेकर बहुत चिंतित हूं और इस पीड़ा को आपसे साझा करना चाहता हूं। हमारे देश की नदियां रो रही हैं और तापमान चरम सीमा पर फुंकार रहा है फिर भी हमारे भीतर वो बदलाव नहीं नजर आ रहे हैं जो इस समय की असीम जरूरत है। इसलिए मैंने यह अपना लक्ष्य बनाया है कि मंदाकिनी नदी को फिर से जीवंत बनाना है। इसी संदर्भ में मैंने ज़मीनी स्तर पर कुछ काम किया है जिसका उल्लेख संलग्न पीडीएफ में है।
रामबाबू तिवारी (शोध छात्र)
इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय
living life with moment
& that moment ir fraction of moment/movement
r actually _ use of mentally physically emotionally
how u see it & that it
with accordance your upbringing & society
& such moment how u move or do movement
& experience each & every _ moment / क्षण
called experience
& rhis experience means u go through actual
up_downs & how utilise
didn't use such 2 prevent or help in co.e out from
addiction of any
actually it's 2/ huge difficult cause it take inside
motion in2 action
& Inner human body _ thinking process r just like
taking breath through veins
eg_ in breathing exercise 4a while/ moment
u stop 2 take breath & concentrate on breath
the whole system stop inside event thought process
means u stop 4 a moment
so then reserch in such way in medicine or psychology definitely able 2 let come out from addiction of any kind _ even drug addiction
take huge cause body is involved in it
inside body it's a air which flows & carry it's contain