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Centre should allow some top private universities and Engineering colleges in India to set up their own super computers for carrying out research activities.
Union govt should consider making AIIMS as a global brand by opening its branches in different countries.
India should make a list of friendly nations and then prepare a comprehensive plan to open branches of AIIMs there in a specific time period.
Harassment at workplace and insecurity at workplace are now two important issues.
Union govt should take serious steps to address these two issues.
All indian IITs, Science Universities, IISC in Bengaluru and all research institutions like ISRO, CSIR , DRDO , nuclear research institutions, private and public sector companies involved in research and development of defence, space, nuclear, medicine research and development of high-end technology should have their own super computers.
Central govt should make a plan in this regard.
When it comes to natural calamities, developed and under developed nations are reacting similar with respect to disaster management
India loosing neighborhood friends one by one
good morning sir
medicine is compulsory to all MRP of medicine n actual price are so different .if you look this matter rate of medicine is so cheaper than this time
अंग्रेजो के समय से चले आ रहे पुलिस एक्ट बदल कर विदेशो की तर्ज पर पुलिस प्रशासन को जिम्मेदार बनाया जाए, वक्फ बोर्ड को समाप्त कर एक देश एक कानून बने। NGO के द्वारा स्वयं सहायता समूह व अन्य लाभ की योजना चले जिससे अधिकारी वर्ग मे बंदरबाट न हो
the attached order 6367-2016 of CMM kanpur nagar court dated 18 oct2017 in that revenge state government officials and local police officers were doing regularly criminal conspiracy to me by lodging forge firs against me so that it is necessary to save my life and justice to me for order for CBI inquiry as demanded in attached documents and also inquiry for assets of supporting officers and white colored criminals and also awarded one sided contract to mhpl india p Ltd and peetambra advertising agency from last 20 years
Tamil Nadu: More than 30,000 tribal community Malayalis live in Erode district, Anthiyur, Barkur hill and Kadampur hill of Sathyamangalam district. Kollimalai are tribal people who migrated from Balamalai region and have been living in Barkur and Kadampur hills for a long time. Malayalis from Salem and Namakkal districts who are their blood relatives can get ST certificate. However, the tribal Malayalis in Erode district could not get ST certificate, despite sending applications to the government several times, the Malayalis could not get the tribal caste certificate. Ooty Tribal Research Center Thiruvadgadu Dharmapuri Pudukottai Salem Southern Gard Trichy District Tribal Malayalis have given evidence that they belong to the same race.
Jai Hind