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Seatcha hi seva he ...
Har Jan ko karana chahiye ..yah bahut hi achchi muhim he.
Sir patwari aur tehsil wale jamino ka sima Gyan nahi karate he. Kisano ko ya jamin walo ko chakar kataate he. Barish me jamin nahi naapane ka bahana karate he. Jab udhyog lagana ho ya kisi kaam ke liye jamin ka naap karana hota he to jamin ki simagyan yani dimaarkesan ki jarurat hoti he.
Solar plant kusum yojana me lagane hote he. Yah patwari aur sarpanch tatha tehsil wale NOC ka kaam saralata se nahi karate he. Jamin par kai plant is liye nahi lag paa rahe he ki kusum yojana kamponent-A ke plant ki NOC ki jarurat hoti he Panchayat evam tehsil se NOC Leni hoti he. Kisan ke liye yah mushkil he. Kripa kheti related project me NOC ki anivaryata hatayi jaave ...
Saadar namskar
Jai hind sir
Namaste India
Sir general coaches ke passengers ki samasya ko bhi prathamikata se hal kiya jaaye. Aap he to sab mumkin he. Please bullets train ki tarah ...sab train me general coaches aabadi ke hisab se aur passenger ke load ke hisab se tay ho
Honorable PM,
Sir, Regarding One nation One election. Rather than conducting LS+VS at a time , is it better to conduct LS election in one year , and then next year or 2 years later to conduct all VS elections at once? I think the best solution could be to hold state elections simultaneously and the national election in a different timeline.So the country will be in election mode during these two times once for all states and once for national elections. This will save time and money while also reducing voter confusion and logistic issues.And national issues will not supercede in state elections and state issues will not supercede in national elections, which can address the federal structure concerns raised by the opposition.
Honorable PM,
Sir, Regarding One nation One election. Rather than conducting LS+VS at a time , is it better to conduct LS election in one year , and then next year or 2 years later to conduct all VS elections at once? I think the best solution could be to hold state elections simultaneously and the national election in a different timeline.So the country will be in election mode during these two times once for all states and once for national elections. This will save time and money while also reducing voter confusion and logistic issues.And national issues will not supercede in state elections and state issues will not supercede in national elections, which can address the federal structure concerns raised by the opposition.
Honorable PM,
Sir, Regarding One nation One election. Rather than conducting LS+VS at a time , is it better to conduct LS election in one year , and then next year or 2 years later to conduct all VS elections at once? I think the best solution could be to hold state elections simultaneously and the national election in a different timeline.So the country will be in election mode during these two times once for all states and once for national elections. This will save time and money while also reducing voter confusion and logistic issues.And national issues will not supercede in state elections and state issues will not supercede in national elections, which can address the federal structure concerns raised by the opposition.
Honorable PM,
Sir, Regarding One nation One election. Rather than conducting LS+VS at a time , is it better to conduct LS election in one year , and then next year or 2 years later to conduct all VS elections at once? I think the best solution could be to hold state elections simultaneously and the national election in a different timeline.So the country will be in election mode during these two times once for all states and once for national elections. This will save time and money while also reducing voter confusion and logistic issues.And national issues will not supercede in state elections and state issues will not supercede in national elections, which can address the federal structure concerns raised by the opposition.
Honorable PM,
Sir, Regarding One nation One election. Rather than conducting LS+VS at a time , is it better to conduct LS election in one year , and then next year or 2 years later to conduct all VS elections at once? I think the best solution could be to hold state elections simultaneously and the national election in a different timeline.So the country will be in election mode during these two times once for all states and once for national elections. This will save time and money while also reducing voter confusion and logistic issues.And national issues will not supercede in state elections and state issues will not supercede in national elections, which can address the federal structure concerns raised by the opposition.
Honorable PM,
Sir, Regarding One nation One election. Rather than conducting LS+VS at a time , is it better to conduct LS election in one year , and then next year or 2 years later to conduct all VS elections at once? I think the best solution could be to hold state elections simultaneously and the national election in a different timeline.So the country will be in election mode during these two times once for all states and once for national elections. This will save time and money while also reducing voter confusion and logistic issues.And national issues will not supercede in state elections and state issues will not supercede in national elections, which can address the federal structure concerns raised by the opposition.
The Income tax has denied tax rebate of Rs 25000 on income from sales of shares even though the total income is less than 7 lacs.
This is against the provision of income tax act of 1961
The tax on short term capital gains is at the rate of 15 percent, much higher than 10 percentage tax from income from regular sources in tax bracket of 6-9 lacs.
My total income is less than 7 lacs and I have been denied tax rebate of Rs 25000 from sale of shares and i had to pay 15% tax with educational cess of 4%
As a result the tax department refunded less tax and that too after a period of 93 days
The tax rebate is designed to help low-income earners to reduce their tax load but the Income tax department has denied us tax rebate on sales of shares which is taxed at high percentage of 15 %
Earlier financial years I always got tax rebate from sales of shares , as my total ncome was less than 5 lacs or 7 lacs (new tax system)
Please Modiji, take up this matter with Finance Ministry . Help us