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Promoting Heritage Tourism
Theme: India’s historical landmarks are treasures for global travelers.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Encourage the preservation and promotion of heritage sites.
Brief Solution: Provide funds for restoration, train locals as guides, and use technology like AR/VR to enhance visitor experiences.
Encouraging Zero-Waste Living
Theme: Reducing waste is crucial for environmental sustainability.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight steps individuals can take to live sustainably.
Brief Solution: Promote reusable alternatives, conduct workshops on zero-waste practices, and incentivize businesses adopting zero-waste models.
Supporting Tribal Handicrafts and Culture
Theme: Tribal art reflects India’s rich heritage.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Promote tribal crafts and traditions through government initiatives.
Brief Solution: Set up tribal art centers, market their products globally, and provide artisans with training and financial aid.
Promoting Ethical AI Development
Theme: Responsible AI use ensures societal benefits.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Talk about balancing AI advancements with ethical considerations.
Brief Solution: Develop AI ethics guidelines, involve diverse stakeholders, and invest in research for bias-free AI systems.
Preserving India’s Wetlands
Theme: Wetlands are vital ecosystems for biodiversity and climate regulation.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss the need to protect and restore wetlands.
Brief Solution: Map wetlands nationwide, regulate human activities around them, and involve local communities in their conservation.
Mental Health Awareness Campaigns in Schools
Theme: Early intervention is key to mental well-being.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Stress the importance of mental health education for students.
Brief Solution: Train teachers to recognize mental health issues, include mindfulness practices in schools, and provide counseling services.
Strengthening Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
Theme: MSMEs are the backbone of India’s economy.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss support mechanisms to make MSMEs globally competitive.
Brief Solution: Provide easy credit, reduce regulatory burdens, and create digital marketplaces for MSMEs.
Promoting Indigenous Foods for Better Nutrition
Theme: Indigenous crops are nutritious and sustainable.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight the health and environmental benefits of consuming local foods.
Brief Solution: Launch campaigns promoting traditional diets, support farmers growing indigenous crops, and include these foods in government nutrition programs.
Enhancing Rural Digital Literacy
Theme: Digital skills are essential for bridging the rural-urban divide.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Talk about empowering rural citizens with digital knowledge.
Brief Solution: Set up digital literacy centers, provide affordable internet access, and train youth to teach digital skills in villages.
Advancing Renewable Energy Storage Technologies
Theme: Efficient storage is key to renewable energy adoption.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss breakthroughs and investments in storage solutions.
Brief Solution: Encourage R&D in battery technologies, provide subsidies for storage systems, and integrate them into national grids.