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Promoting Urban Water Harvesting Systems
Theme: Urban areas need sustainable water solutions.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss large-scale water harvesting in cities.
Brief Solution: Mandate rainwater harvesting in buildings, fund retrofitting of old structures, and conduct awareness drives.
Supporting Green Hydrogen Development
Theme: Green hydrogen is a clean energy solution.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight India’s potential to lead in green hydrogen production.
Brief Solution: Invest in hydrogen research, incentivize industries using hydrogen, and establish global partnerships.
Promoting Virtual Reality in Education
Theme: VR can revolutionize how students learn.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Advocate for the adoption of VR technologies in schools.
Brief Solution: Fund VR content development, provide schools with affordable VR devices, and train educators in immersive teaching methods.
Preserving Cultural Landscapes
Theme: Cultural landscapes reflect the identity of regions.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss the importance of integrating cultural heritage with development.
Brief Solution: Protect historic landscapes, encourage eco-tourism, and create awareness about their significance.
Fostering Blue Economy Opportunities
Theme: The blue economy holds untapped potential.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Talk about sustainable maritime economic practices.
Brief Solution: Develop aquaculture hubs, promote eco-friendly shipping, and invest in marine renewable energy projects.
Promoting Citizen Journalism
Theme: Engaged citizens enhance democratic dialogue.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss the role of responsible citizen journalism in society.
Brief Solution: Provide training on ethical reporting, develop platforms for citizen stories, and regulate misinformation through awareness campaigns.
Encouraging Urban Biodiversity Parks
Theme: Biodiversity in cities boosts ecological balance.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight the need for preserving green spaces in urban areas.
Brief Solution: Develop biodiversity parks, protect native flora and fauna, and involve citizens in conservation efforts.
Empowering Migrant Workers Through Skill Development
Theme: Migrant workers are key contributors to the economy.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Address the need to upskill and reskill migrant workers.
Brief Solution: Launch mobile training centers, offer multilingual courses, and connect skilled workers with local job markets.
Promoting AI Literacy Among Students
Theme: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of technology.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss the importance of AI education for younger generations.
Brief Solution: Integrate AI modules in school curriculums, conduct national workshops, and provide AI tools for experimentation and innovation.
Fostering Innovation in Rural Craftsmanship
Theme: Innovation can modernize traditional crafts.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss modern techniques that can enhance rural artistry.
Brief Solution: Organize skill development workshops, connect artisans with designers, and facilitate global marketing.