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10वें विश्व हिंदी सम्मेलन के लिए लोगो डिजाइन करना
World Hindi Conferences (WHC) are being organized since 1975 in different parts of the world. The last World Hindi Conference was organized in South Africa in 2012. This year, the ...
World Hindi Conferences (WHC) are being organized since 1975 in different parts of the world. The last World Hindi Conference was organized in South Africa in 2012. This year, the 10th World Hindi Conference is scheduled to be organized in New Delhi.
The main objectives for the organization of World Hindi Conference are to promote and propagate Hindi in foreign countries as a world language, establish the relevance of Hindi language in the Globalised world and encourage research work and original writings in Hindi by the foreigners and people of Indian origin etc.
Citizens are invited to design/suggest a suitable logo for 10th World Hindi Conference that would reflect the spirit and objectives of World Hindi Conference.
Ministry of External Affairs seeks entries for design a Logo for “10th World Hindi Conference 2015”.
The last date of submission is 20th March, 2015.
The selected entry will be awarded a prize of Rs. 50,000/-.
Please click here for more information Terms and Conditions and Technical Parameters.
Moderator for the task
Virendra Kumar Bilonia
External Publicity & Public Diplomacy Division
Ministry of External Affairs
Email Id- logowhc2015@meaindia.in
The Logo signifies:
1. १० that is 10 in Hindi.
2. १० is filled with different Hindi Alphabets (Akshar).
3. Hindi is the National Language Of INDIA. In the logo, the 3 colors (Saffron, white and Green) along with the wheel symbolize the Indian Flag.
#10thWorldHindiConference, #WorldHindiConference, #MinistryofExternalAffairs, #MyGov
Logo for 10th World Hindi Conference
I have uploaded my logo for 10th world Hindi conference and hope it is up to your expectations
logo for 10th world hindi conference
Logo for 10th World Hindi Conference
10th world Hindi conference 3rd option
Emerging hands from alphabets in the form of divine Hindi gesture Namaste which initiates communication & connects man to man.Such connecting links spreads globally,represented by the Earth with tricolor hue as a dot of the word Hindi; depicting the origin & reach of Hindi.The arc symbolizes the Rising Sun conveying; in times to come Hindi will spread in every nook and corner of the universe just as the sun takes the universe in its stride.Blue color of logo indicates the allegiance.
logo- 10th world hindi conference
"1"- replica of our national flag."0"- represents our world surrounded by hindi , outer circle -denotes housing, family, sattilites,import, export, leading companies, etc in d world communicate by hindi ,middle circle -filled with white colour represents hindi spread in airways, inner circle -filled with blue colour represents hindi spread over waterways. and also "0 " represents our national flag colours with chakra.
Logo for 10th World Hindi Conference