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Apiary - a CoE in Blockchain Technology by STPI: Apply Now to become a successful start-up in this domain
Apiary - A Centre of Excellence in Blockchain Technology ...
Apiary - A Centre of Excellence in Blockchain Technology
• STPI is in the process of opening various Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in emerging technologies across the country. STPI is planning a “Soft launch”along-with the Idea Challenge Program for “Apiary - A CoE in Blockchain Technology” at STPI-Gurugram on 17th July 2020.
• Objectives: The objectives of opening this CoE is to boost start-ups in the field of Blockchain Technology and to contribute to “Make-in-India” & “Digital India” programmes of Govt. of India by reducing imports of such services. To create a holistic eco-system for encouraging R&D, innovation, Entrepreneurship in the Blockchain Technology in India by providing physical infrastructure and support services for prototyping, developing, testing & marketing; to incubate start-up units to create innovative solutions to meet the existing and emerging needs of sector; to provide business and technological mentorship & guidance in the domain; to provide networking services linking up with funding sources; to enable the creation of IPs domestically.
• Location: 30, Electronic City, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Sector 18, Gurugram, Haryana - 122015
• Chief Mentor: Sh. Pankaj Thakar, Padup Ventures Private Limited, founder of Padup Ventures Private Limited
• Partners: Partners include
o Government: MeitY, STPI, Govt. of Haryana
o Knowledge Partner: Padup Ventures Private Limited
o Academia: Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer. FITT- IIT Delhi/Sonepat Campus
o Industry: M/s. IBM, M/s. Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd.
o Industry Association: M/s Government Blockchain Association
o Venture Funding Agencies:Indian Angel Network, Vinners Angel Group, Padup Syndicate, Venture Catalyst
o Others: DCRUST, Murthal& JC Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad (Partnership consent awaited)
• Facilities & Services: The services available for the beneficiaries of apiary shall include
o Physical infrastructure including 80-seater state-of-the-art incubation and IBM platform
o Mentoring
o Access to Financial Support
o Technical Support
o Marketing Support
o IPR/Patenting Facilitation
o Legal, Accounting & other support Services
• Target Beneficiaries: 100 start-ups are expected to be benefitted over a period of 5 Years.
• Idea Challenge Program: STPI Apiary is inviting applications from the Startups/ Entrepreneurs for Idea challenge Program in Blockchain Technology domain. The theme of Idea Challenge Programme is “AATMANIRBHAR”. The Start-ups are expected to solve the problems in the following domains using Blockchain Technology.
• Supply Chain
• Agriculture
• Finance
• E-Governance use cases pertaining to Land Records, Public Health, Labour, Service Record, Pension Delivery and Law Enforcement & Evidence Management.
Click here to view the calendar of the event started from 17th July 2020 to 29th August 2020.
The last date to apply is August 28th, 2020.
For more information kindly visit: https://apiary.stpi.in or applicants may directly apply through the link: https://innovate.stpinext.in/about-us/APIARY