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Design Logo for Smart City Ahmedabad
As part of the logo design contest, the citizens are invited to suggest a suitable logo for Ahmedabad Smart City. Contestants are free to choose a theme / colour scheme for the ...
As part of the logo design contest, the citizens are invited to suggest a suitable logo for Ahmedabad Smart City. Contestants are free to choose a theme / colour scheme for the logo.
Minimum Size of Logo: 1” x 1” (1 inch wide by 1 inch high)
Last Day for Submission of Entries is 20th October, 2015.
Logo shall not include any material (photograph, icon, symbol etc) that is copyright protected
The best 3 entries would be declared as winners.
Prize Money (Cash / Vouchers / Gift items*):
• 1st Prize: Rs. 15,000/-
• 2nd Prize: Rs. 10,000/-
• 3rd Prize: Rs. 5,000/-
• Consolation Prizes (10 nos.): Rs. 2,000/- each
The winning logo can be adopted by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) as an official logo for Ahmedabad Smart City*.
*AMC reserves the right to select the prize winners and to use the logo as the official logo for Ahmedabad Smart City
smart city ahamdabad logo final submission
Ahmedabad smart city logo. As per smart city I showed connecting network by A and C alphabets. S shows energatic term. So finally ASC (AHMEDABAD SMART CITY). Logo shows connecting city,energy and surveillance. Thank You...
Logo for Smart City Ahmedabad
Concept of this logo is in one line... AHMEDABAD.... Always Ahead
Please review logo for "Ahmedabad Smart City"
Logo for Ahmedabad Smart City
The logo depicts the dreamed concept of our PM Modiji, which has been enlivened by two key components of “Modi’s dream of 2022”, namely “Housing for All” and “Building 100 Smart Cities” by the year 2022. Here in this logo I am trying to spread the perfect balance of technology & environment through which #SmartCity #Ahmedabad city will bring-out as an economic city with the purpose of improving the quality of life.
The logo depicts the dreamed concept of our PM Modiji, which has been enlivened by two key components of “Modi’s dream of 2022”, namely “Housing for All” and “Building 100 Smart Cities” by the year 2022. Here in this logo I am trying to spread the perfect balance of technology & environment through which #SmartCity #Ahmedabad city will bring-out as an economic city with the purpose of improving the quality of life.
Ahmedabad Smart City Logo desingn
The logo depicts the dreamed concept of our PM Modiji, which has been enlivened by two key components of “Modi’s dream of 2022”, namely “Housing for All” and “Building 100 Smart Cities” by the year 2022. Here in this logo I am trying to spread the perfect balance of technology & environment through which Ahmedabad city will bring-out as an economic city with the purpose of improving the quality of life.