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Design your own Logo for the Jaipur Smart City Campaign

Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has selected Jaipur to submit Smart City Proposal and participate in the 100 Smart Cities Challenge Competition. Upon ...
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has selected Jaipur to submit Smart City Proposal and participate in the 100 Smart Cities Challenge Competition. Upon shortlisting, Jaipur can claim to work towards becoming one of India's connected cities under the smart city initiative. In this regard, we invite College Students for two Competition Events.
Entries are to be submitted to: www.mygov.in
Eligibility – Students of Colleges in Jaipur City
Criteria – Students can participate in either one or both competition. Photograph of designed Logo is to be posted.
Last date for submission is 10th October 2015.
To know more about the Smart City Programme, you can visit the Facebook Page of the Programme of Nagar Nigam: Smart City Jaipur
Also, students are encouraged to participate in opinion poll at www.mygov.in or www.jaipursmartcitychallenge.com
Your creativity will reap the rewards!!
The best entries will be posted on Nagar Nigam Facebook Page and judged by panel of judges. The winning entry design will be rewarded and also adopted as Brand for Smart City Campaign.
Terms and Conditions
1. The winner shall be chosen on the basis of Innovative and Actionable idea and creativity.
2. The Name of the participant, Address and Contact No. must be mentioned clearly on the top of the entry.
3. The decision of Jaipur Municipal Corporation for selecting the winner shall be treated as Final
The logo "Smart City Jaipur".
for making jaipur smart following steps may be taken:
good water supply
good transportation
cleaning of dirty areas
good sewage system
I wish jaipur will soon be a smart city.
Jai Hind.
From my prespective a smart city does not merely means a place full of latest technology.Rather it should be a balanced place,technology as well as nature,a place with happy and proud people,educated and healthy!that is a smart city!
NAME : Aarzoo
College : National institute of fashion technology.
Year : 1st
Contact no. -7093255217
my submission for smart city jaipur logo.
name: Gaurav meena
college: Vivekanda Institute of Technology (East), Jaipur
3rd year, Civil Engi.
phone no. 9024765142
The logo is made through basics of Smart City Campaign Jaipur.
Smart- 3 circles of different colors
City- Buildings
Campaign- Hand symbol
Jaipur- Pink color
Pikashi Jain
Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, Jaipur
3rd Year, 9097838687
the logo merges the culture and growth of the city through an abstract symbol of an elephant and 'J' for Jaipur. It represents all the 5 features of smart city: Smart Governance(represented by 3 dots connected at the bottom), smart water (the drop above the elephant's trunk), smart electricity (power symbol replacing the elephants eyes), smart mobiltiy(the road representing connection & mobility) and smart environment(represented by 3 squares growing higher)
Design:Payal Arora (payal_a@nid.edu)
Here I am submitting logo on Jaipur Smart City Campaign
In this logo I used only 2 colors for better presentation in all media
The logo shows the Rajasthan culture in a digital text.
Namaskar dear indians here is a one next step