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Essay Writing Competition for Biharsharif Smart City
Biharsharif Corporation invites citizens to participate in an essay competition for developing the vision statements for the proposed Smart City. The Essay should focus on the ...
Biharsharif Corporation invites citizens to participate in an essay competition for developing the vision statements for the proposed Smart City. The Essay should focus on the issues/needs brought of the city, citizen solutions to address these and the citizen priorities.
Biharsharif Smart City Essay writing competition
a) The question you need to answer is: What is the most suitable vision to make Biharsharif Smart City as a “Tourism Gateway”?
b) What is your most suitable vision to solve the “Traffic & Transportation” problem in Biharsharif Smart City?
c) How to grow the economy & employment in your Biharsharif Smart City?
Entries may be submitted online on the www.mygov.in portal latest by 1st December, 2015.
The submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Do-ability (50%)
• Innovation (50%)
Prize money for the top 3 entries is as follows:
• First Prize: Rs. 25,000/-
• Second Prize: Rs. 15,000/-
• Third Prize: Rs. 10,000/-
The City would use the inputs from the winning entries to develop the Vision and Sub-goals for the City Plan and preliminary idea of Smart Solutions and Area Based Developments.
Note: All participants must clearly mention following details in their entries: Name, Father’s Name, Address, Age, Contact no., Email ID.
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
Respected Sir, here I enclose my essay paper for essay writing competition on the Theme of Biharsharif Smart City, which discusses mainly on Issues/needs of the city and possible solutions for these issues and priorities .
Thanking you for giving this great opportunity sir.
Biharsharif Smart City
I have attached my views and suggestions for making Bihar Sharif as smart city.
My vision for Bihar Sharif Smart City
#Biharsharif, #SmartCity, #MyGov