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Idea of the week for Smart City Udaipur
Udaipur has been selected under the Smart City Mission to compete with shortlisted other cities to make it to the top 20 cities to receive funding from the next fiscal. The city is ...
Udaipur has been selected under the Smart City Mission to compete with shortlisted other cities to make it to the top 20 cities to receive funding from the next fiscal. The city is in process of formulating a vision, mission and a proposal in consultation with citizens and other stakeholders.
We would like to have a special “idea of the week” competition for Udaipur as a Smart City, to give it a unique identity.
In this regard, Udaipur Municipal Corporation invites all its residents to participate in the idea of the week competition for “Udaipur Smart City”. The idea should reflect the long term vision of the city, highlighting its rich cultural and heritage background and keeping in mind the current assets/resources of the city.
How to Submit
Entries may be submitted online through https://mygov.in portal (Udaipur Smart City page) till Sunday 15th Nov. 2015.
Prize money: Rs.2,100 (Twenty One Hundred Rupees only)
Word limit: 30 words
Winners shall be announced on following day.
All the participants must clearly mention following details along with their idea:
1. Name
2. Father/Mother name
3. Address
4. Age
5. Contact number
Winning idea shall be used by the Corporation for Udaipur Smart City throughout the program. Udaipur Municipal Corporation wishes all the best to the participants of the idea competition.
Terms and Conditions
1. No government official working under Udaipur Municipal Corporation can participate in the Idea competition.
2. Entry is limited to one per person. Only individual entries will be accepted. Team entries will not be accepted.
3. The decision of UMC (Udaipur Municipal Corporation) for selecting the winner shall be treated as final. No plagiarism will be allowed.
4. UMC reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/condition without notice.
5. The idea of the winning entries shall be property of the Udaipur Municipal Corporation and they shall have rights to use the idea.
6. It is assumed that whoever is participating in the idea competition has fully understood the general information and terms-conditions given hereby.
where visitors and city dwellers are not worried about-
To make the Udaipur city -a Smart City, it is very important that UMC and UIT should work together as a united body. The care must be given to the colonies formed by UIT. Development charges submitted by residents must get the feelings of its utilization by having Roads, Lights, water connection properly on time. UMC and UIT should not wait for Request from the residents rather they can provide this facilities as soon as the colony is made.
Udaipur is emerging as Fascinating Dream Marriage and Tourism Lakeside Destination of World