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Jabalpur Smart City Logo Competition
Jabalpur is 7th ranked city among the 20 light house cities selected in first round of smart cities under Government of India (GoI) smart cities mission (SCM) to implement the ...
Jabalpur is 7th ranked city among the 20 light house cities selected in first round of smart cities under Government of India (GoI) smart cities mission (SCM) to implement the smart city proposal (SCP). In this context, Jabalpur has incorporated a special purpose vehicle (SPV) – Jabalpur Smart City Limited (JSCL) (the “Authority”) to plan, design, implement, coordinate and monitor the smart city projects in Jabalpur.
For the development of JABALPUR as smart city, Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is formed in the name of “JABALPUR SMART CITY LIMITED” and the same is incorporated under the Companies Act, on 14th March, 2016.
JABALPUR Smart City Limited (JSCL) intent to make an exclusive & creative designed logo, which will be reflective of the culture, futuristic characteristics of JABALPUR city in terms of Smart City and to represent JABALPUR city globally as per JABALPUR Smart City Vision which says: “Smart Utilization of JABALPUR City’s Potential for enhancing Quality of life for the citizens by providing equal access to best quality physical infrastructure, social infrastructure and mobility through leveraging state of the art and technology; thus making JABALPUR a futuristic global city with focus on enhancing economy, protecting the ecology and preserving the identity & culture of the city.”
JABALPUR SMART CITY LIMITED hereby invites Indian Citizens to participate in this Logo Design competition to create an exclusive logo for “JABALPUR Smart City Limited” as per terms and conditions of the competition.
The prize money for
1st Prize winner is INR 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousands only),
2nd Prize winner INR 15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand Only)
3rd Prize winner – INR 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Only)
Click to Read: Terms & Conditions
My logo
#jabalpur #mygov #smartcity #logocontest #mygov
My logo designed for Jabalalpur smart city is 12cm X 3.68cm in size. It is of 600 pixels. It is in PNG format and the colour is RGB mode. I have attached the rationale of the logo and personal details in the PDF file.