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Logo and Tagline Contest for e-Greetings Portal
MyGov invites all citizens to participate in the logo designing and tagline competition for 'E-Greetings Portal'. ...
MyGov invites all citizens to participate in the logo designing and tagline competition for 'E-Greetings Portal'.
The e-Greetings portal aims to promote a contemporary and eco-friendly way to share greetings for multiple occasions. Greetings are an important way to wish people on special occasions and days of national importance.
What we expect from the participants?
1. The Tagline should incorporate--
• The tag line should be catchy and able to entice the users of e-greetings
• The tagline should be submitted either in the comment or in MS Word/JPEG/PNG/SVG/PDF format
Your creative inputs would enable the organization to better communicate itself to the world and thereby improve the effectiveness of message to the masses, Government, create awareness, richness, and promotion of Indian cultural and its heritage.
2. The Logo should incorporate--
• An appropriate symbol/design
• Name of portal, namely e-Greetings
• The logo should be submitted in JPEF/PNG/SVG format
The submissions should be usable on our website/social media such as Twitter/Facebook and on printed material such as b/w press releases, stationery and signage.
Winners and Prize Money
• The last date of submission is 1st April, 2016.
• The best entry in each category will be awarded a cash prize as follows:
i. Selected design for Logo: Rs. 30,000/-
ii. Selected entry for Tagline: Rs. 20,000/-
• The best ONE entry for both tagline and logo, will be declared as the official winner
• The e-Greetings committee reserves right to close the contest without declaring the result if no suitable entry is received
• A panel of Selection Committee will decide the winner
Click here to read Terms and Conditions
Click here to read Technical Parameters
Click here to read Evaluation Criteria
Tagline in hindi:प्रौद्योगिक शुभ्काम्नायॆ,पर्यवरन् कॆ अनुकूल् शुभ्काम्नायॆ!
Tagline in english: Technological Greetings, Eco-friendly Greetings!
tagline: "unlimited designs, unmatched coverage"
Tagline : Sending love, by bits and bytes.
The Tagline can be .
'Ab harr uplakskya ki E-Badhaiyaan'.
#TaglineContest My tagline for the e-greetings portal is :- "environment friendly greetings for every occasion"
Tagline: Treating via e-Greeting
#LogoDesignContest #EGreetings
Tagline: Clicking your way to wishes.
Tag line - 'A Smarter way to greet' or
'Be Smart - Greet Smarter'