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Logo Competition for Jhansi Smart City
![Logo Competition for Jhansi Smart City Logo Competition for Jhansi Smart City](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1445591436190667.jpg)
The Jhansi Municipal Corporation is pleased to inform you that our city has been selected through a competitive process for Smart City Mission under the Ministry of Urban ...
The Jhansi Municipal Corporation is pleased to inform you that our city has been selected through a competitive process for Smart City Mission under the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD). In the next phase, our city has to compete with 98 other cities to make it to the top 20 to be taken up for first round of funding, for year 2015-16. The city is in process of formulating a vision, mission and a proposal in consultation with citizens and other stakeholders. We want to hear from you about your needs and aspirations to make Jhansi a Smart City.
Logo making competition will be done at the city level in Jhansi under the smart city initiative.
All Colleges/ School Students/Citizen will upload their respective logos on Smart City Jhansi City Portal under the www.mygov.in website.
Terms and Conditions
All the entries must be submitted online through https://mygov.in. No other medium of submission should be accepted.
Minimum Size of Logo: 1” X 1” (I inch wide by 1 inch high)
Last date for submission of entries is 30th October, 2015.
Logo shall not use any material (Photograph, icon, symbol etc) that is copyright protected
The best entry will be declared as winner
Prize Money:
1st Prize Rs. 5000
2nd Prize Rs. 2100
3rd Prize Rs. 1100
All the Participant will get Appreciation Certificate
How to Submit
Entries may be submitted online through https://mygov.in portal in latest by 30th October, 2015.
For More Details Visit:
Nagar Nigam Office, Near Elite Chauraha,Civil Lines Jhansi
Contact Person
Rakesh Kumar Sahu 08808053895
R K Singh 88080538967
For more details please visit our website and social Page
www.jnnjhansi.com , https://www.facebook.com/smartcityjhansi, https://twitter.com/smartcityjhansi
The winning logo can be adopted by Jhansi Municipal Corporation as an official logo for Jhansi Smart City.
*Jhansi Municipal Corporation reserves the right to select the prize winners and to use the logo as the official logo for Jhansi Smart City.
m islamuddin
Bhel jhansi
shopping center no 1
m islamuddin
Bhel jhansi
shopping center no 1
m islamuddin
Bhel jhansi
shopping center no 1
thank you.
m islamuddin
This is my logo for JHANSI SMART CITY.
यह लोगो झाँसी शहर के किले को दरशाता है जो भूतकाल के एक विकसित शहरीकरण का जीवांतनमूना है।
This is my lovely logo for lovely and SMART JHANSI.
We are all together in this mission.
Logo for Jhansi