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Logo Design Competition - Smart City Bhagalpur
Under Smart City Mission, Municipal Corporation of Bhagalpur invites Logo Designs based on the theme: Bhagalpur Smart City – My Dream City ...
Under Smart City Mission, Municipal Corporation of Bhagalpur invites Logo Designs based on the theme: Bhagalpur Smart City – My Dream City
Terms & Conditions
1. The Logo Designs are to be uploaded on portal.
2. Last date of submission is 15th November, 2015.
3. The decision of Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation (BMC) for selecting the winner shall be treated as final. No plagiarism will be allowed.
4. BMC reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/condition without notice.
5. The logo of the winning entries shall be property of the BMC and they shall have rights to use the logo.
The winning Logo Design will be selected by Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation and will form part of cover page of Smart City Proposal to be submitted to Government. All the participants must clearly mention following details along with their logo:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Age
4. Contact number
Image format: JPEG only
Logos for Smart City Bhagalpur
Logo contains a map of Bhagalpur and a city line with the famous Ghantaghar of Bhagalpur.
Name: Dr. Subhasish Mondal
Address: Ashiana, Andul-Dakshinpara,Andul-Mouri, Howrah, West Bengal,PIN-711302
Email: subhasish1982@live.com
Mobile: 9433301335
Age: 32
2. Address:H.no 1-9-285/4/6/B,Ramnagar Gundu,Vidyanagar,HYDERABAD
4. Contact number:7207184438
Name - Swastik Shubham
Bhagalpur Smart City
Age - 19 years
Address - Qtr. no. 21/ Barack no. 38 SAI Staff Qtrs, National Stadium, New Delhi - 110001
AGE- 18
CONTACT- 9074674151,akhileshkumar1255@gmail.com
#SmartCity, #Bhagalpur, #MyGov
#mygov: तिलका मांज्ही एक वीर योधा की स्मिर्ति मे !!!
Logo Design Competition - Smart City Bhagalpur
Name: Yuthika Preetam
Adress: Knowledge Shine Consultancy
3rd Floor, A Wing, KPCT Mall, Fatima Nagar
Pune, Maharashtra, India -- 411013
Age: 23
Contact: 9960138458