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Logo Design competition for Smart City Jammu
Citizens of Jammu city are hereby invited to participate in Logo Design competition for Smart City Jammu. The objective of the logo design competition is to see the creative mind ...
Citizens of Jammu city are hereby invited to participate in Logo Design competition for Smart City Jammu. The objective of the logo design competition is to see the creative mind set of the citizens and how well they understand their city in terms of its inherent character.
The details are as follows:
1. Minimum size – 1.5” X 1.5”
2. All the entries must be submitted online through https://mygov.in and in .jpg (JPEG) or .pdf (PDF) format
3. The design of the Logo should not contain any material that is copyright protected.
4. All the participants must clearly mention following details along with their submission:-
-Name -
-Father/Mother Name -
-Date of Birth -
-Address -
-Contact No. -
-Name of the school/college/organization –
-One Passport Size photo -
1.Three logos will be selected and uploaded that on Jammu Municipal Corporation’s Website along with the designer’s photo for 15 days and felicitate them during the Smart City Workshop.
2.The result will be declared after 15th October, 2016. The Selected candidates will be contacted by phone.
One logo will be finally selected among the top three logos and the person will be rewarded with INR 10,000 rupees from Municipal Corporation, Jammu.
1. The entries for this contest shall be considered only till 15th October, 2016.
2. The decision of Municipal Corporation Jammu for the selection of the winner shall be considered as final.
3. One Person can submit only One Entry for as a submission.
-Name - Parin N Shah
-Father/Mother Name - Nayan H Shah
-Date of Birth -10/03/1993
-Address -3/a, Kalajyot flats, Vasna Barrage road Vasna,Ahmedabad-380007.
-Contact No. -7383789534.
Smart city-JAMMU.
Thank you.
-Father/Mother Name -N.NAGARAJ
-Date of Birth -23/11/1995
-Address -M.N.G ST COIMBATORE-641001
-Contact No. -9952668066
-Name of the school/college/organization –ADHIYAMAN COLLEGE
What an amazing incidence and a fascinating thought of building a city on Love. I derived my inspiration for this logo from this piece of information.
please find attached the Logo..
sanjay Kumar
here is my logo
Name - Ali Haidar
-Father/Mother Name -Abdul Khader musliyar
-Date of Birth -
-Address - Kasaragod,Kerala
-Contact No. -+91 8281520931
-Name of the school/college/organization –payyanur college,kannur,Kerala
-One Passport Size photo -
Name: Vijay Harishchandra Kothare
Father Name: Harishchandra Harishchandra Kothare
Date of Birth: 30 June 1990
Address: 51/ Veer Sambhaji Nagar, L.B.S. Road, Mulund West, Mumbai 400080
Contact No.: 9920301328
College: Ex Student of Sir J.J. Institute Of Applied Art
Profession: Applied Artist, Visualizer, Ui-Ux Architect
-Name - Riya Shah
-Father/Mother Name - Jigar Shah
-Date of Birth - 31st August 1995
-Address - 77, Sankar Bharti Society, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380013
-Contact No. - 8511702020
-Name of the school/college/organization – NIFT Gandhinagar
Name - Moksha Shah
Father's Name - Arvind Saremal Shah
Mother's Name - Sangeeta Arvind Shah
Date of Birth - 17th March 1995
Address - Vimlachal Bungalow, Hira Jain Society, Nr. Dr. Gandhi's Bungalow, Ramnagar, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad - 05
Contact No. - +917567441440
Name of the college – National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gandhinagar
Adwait Nautiyal
Father's Name- Shailesh Nautiyal
Himadri Avenue Lane 6
House number 202
National Institue of Fashion Technology
jammu and kashmir a valley of real peace