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Logo Design Competition for Smart City Kota
Kota Nagar Nigam invites creative designers, artists and innovators to participate in "Smart Kota" Logo Design competition. ...
Kota Nagar Nigam invites creative designers, artists and innovators to participate in "Smart Kota" Logo Design competition.
The logo can either depict City’s pride and/or should be easily relatable by its residents.
Please ensure you clearly mention your Name, personal address, email-id and telephone number in the end of your document.
Prize Money: Best entry will receive prize money of INR 10,000/-
Terms and Conditions
1. No plagiarism will be allowed
2. Age Limit: Open for all limit
3. This competition is open for all Nationalities
4. The last date to submit entries is 30th November, 2015.
5. You can submit the entries on www.mygov.in or email us at smartcitykota@gmail.com
6. Submission Format: JPEG or PDF only
7. Evaluation Criteria: Do-ability (50%) Innovation (50%)
8. Kota Nagar Nigam reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/condition without notice
9. The logo of the winning entries shall be property of the Kota Nagar Nigam and they shall have rights to use the logo
For more details about Smart City Kota:
• Visit the website: www.smartcitykota.com
• Like the FB page: www.facebook.com/SmartCityKota
• Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SmartCityKota
Priyanka bhavate, NIT Bhopal
This is my lovely painting for smart KOTA.
Logo Design Cometition For Smart City Kota #SmartCity #Kota #MyGov
Hello Sir/Madam,
Please review my logo design entry for Smart Kota. Kindly let me know your thoughts.
Best Regards,
Gaurav S. Gadikar
it has K for kota. Tail of k contains shadow of a city which is kota as a smart city
• Father : Mr. Jagdish Malviya
• Address : 455/8, Samajwadi Indira Nagar, Indore (M.P.)
• Age : 27
• Contact Number : +91 98260 67949
Public information, grievance redressal, electronic service delivery, citizens’ engagement, waste to energy & fuel, waste to compost, 100% treatment of waste water, smart meters & management, monitoring water quality, renewable source of energy, efficient energy and green building, smart parking, intelligent traffic management system.
A city equipped with basic infrastructure to give a decent quality of life, a clean and sustainable environment through application of some smart solutions.
impliment the my city in varanasi in best city in world
Narayanan P
Perumbaillam, Cheruthazham,
Mandoor PO. Kannur 670501
Email: narayananperumba@gmail.com
Mobile : +46 720149256 (Working at Stockholm, Sweden)