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Logo Design Competition for Smart City Varanasi
![Logo Design Competition for Smart City Varanasi Logo Design Competition for Smart City Varanasi](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1446194986190667.jpg)
Varanasi has been selected by Govt of India under the Smart City Project. Varanasi, also known as Kashi is known for its spiritual, religious, artistic cultural fabric and vibrant ...
Varanasi has been selected by Govt of India under the Smart City Project. Varanasi, also known as Kashi is known for its spiritual, religious, artistic cultural fabric and vibrant nature. In order to develop a LOGO for Smart City Varanasi, one competition related to designing of Logo has been launched for participation by Citizens.
It is requested to all the citizens, students, artist, intellectuals to participate in the contest and to design a Logo for VARNASI smart city, with a blend of its old heritage character and modernity.
First prize would be Rs 21, 000 /- for the winner whose LOGO is selected, other good participants will be provided with the Certificate by the Municipal Corporation.
The last date to submit your logo is 15th November, 2015.
#SmartCity, #Varanasi, #MyGov
logo means signs represent city in smaller area
I've attached 5*5 inch size Logo for clear visibility..
he name Varanasi possibly originates from the names of the two rivers from north and south: Varuna, still flowing in Varanasi, and Asi, a small stream near Assi Ghat. The old city is located on the north shores of the Ganges, bounded by its two tributaries: Varuna and Asi.[5] Throughout the ages, Varanasi has been known by many names including Kāśī or Kashi and Rudravāsa (Sanskrit: the place where Rudra/Śiva resides)(used by pilgrims dating from Buddha's days
this logo shows the future image of varanasi which is smart city as well as the reservoir of its culture and traditions. this logo perfectly depicts that the development of kashi must be made in a such way that by anyhow, its culture and traditions might not harmed, because these all cultures and traditions are the recognition of varanasi. thats why in this CITY OF TEMPLES, development should be done in the boundaries of its world famous culture....:)
Name-Ashwani kumar
C/O-Pintu Kumar(srashti sanrakshanam ,BHU)
Mob. 7800598770
Address-room no. 90 ,A.N.D Hostel,BHU
"त्रशुलाकार लोगो में सिंदूरी त्रशूल ,मंदिर मस्जिद चर्च स्तूप यहाँ की संस्कृति, सोहार्द दिखाते। पान पत्ता सिल्क साडी डिज़ाइन आधार में शास्त्र यहाँ की अर्थव्यवस्था प्रसिद्धि दिखाते। त्रशूल मे वायीं ओर निर्मल गंगा,दाई और S आकृति sustainable planning व बिश्मिल्लाह खा की शहनाई , बी एच यू, चौड़ी हरी भरी सड़क, सोलर लाइट आधुनिक इमारते @ sign for technology दिखाता "शहर वही पहचान नई "|
Designed by :- Deepak Chauhan
Address:- Room no 11, Opp. New Amity Campus, Malhaur Stn. Lucknow U.P 227105
Mob no. 9795228174
Email id:- 18deepak.c@gmail.com
Smart City Varanasi
logo on varanasi