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Logo Design Competition for Smart City Varanasi
Varanasi has been selected by Govt of India under the Smart City Project. Varanasi, also known as Kashi is known for its spiritual, religious, artistic cultural fabric and vibrant ...
Varanasi has been selected by Govt of India under the Smart City Project. Varanasi, also known as Kashi is known for its spiritual, religious, artistic cultural fabric and vibrant nature. In order to develop a LOGO for Smart City Varanasi, one competition related to designing of Logo has been launched for participation by Citizens.
It is requested to all the citizens, students, artist, intellectuals to participate in the contest and to design a Logo for VARNASI smart city, with a blend of its old heritage character and modernity.
First prize would be Rs 21, 000 /- for the winner whose LOGO is selected, other good participants will be provided with the Certificate by the Municipal Corporation.
The last date to submit your logo is 15th November, 2015.
This logo has 2 faces.
One is the buildings with water park & greenery represent the varanasi smart city,second face is worshipped Lord shiva & Ganga represents holiness of varanasi.
In this logo I'm going to convey that, Even though varanasi becomes smart city, still varanasi is sacred place & Ganga is holy river.
Thank you
Jai Hindh
Jai bharath
Varanasi logo
famous ghat pic, blended inside the text VARANSI.
Smart City logo
#smartcity#varanasi#mygov , through my design every banarsi can easily relate him with it,there are several such elements. varanasi is known as nagri of bholenath so to indecate him we can see trishool , we can even see thitd eye of bholenath (trinetra), but the most interesting thing in the logo is that its the very known pose of people of varanasi people while doing (har har mahadev).
Its a logo of smart city varanasi.#SmartCity, #Varanasi, #MyGov
Logo- symbolic of ganges, temples, bright future (sun),shivji (trishul)
#varanasi,#smartcity- i have inserted several elements which describe about the Varanasi,the temple forms on the top of logo describes about the cultural and religious nature of the city,i have added eye like form which shows the third eye of lord shiva because varanasi is also known as nagri of bholenath(city of lord shiva),the doodle on the eyes is inspired from doodles of banarasi saree and in last the (smart city) word is written in classic font which shows its evolution in smart city.
Smart City Varanasi