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Logo Design Contest for Indian Council of World Affairs
![Logo Design Contest for Indian Council of World Affairs Logo Design Contest for Indian Council of World Affairs](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_147765605633847684.jpg)
The Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) is organizing an open competition to re-design its logo to depict core values and activities of the Council. The logo should depict the ...
The Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) is organizing an open competition to re-design its logo to depict core values and activities of the Council. The logo should depict the entire world in its design and keep India central. The logo should also reflect the international character of the institute, its outreach & be visually appealing.
[Note: The existing logo of the Institute shows Asia, Africa and only some parts of the world. It does not also highlight the centrality of India.]
About ICWA:
The Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) is India’s oldest think tank dealing with world affairs. It was established in 1943 by a group of eminent intellectuals. By an Act of Parliament in 2001, the Indian Council of World Affairs has been declared an institution of national importance. The Vice
President of India is the President of the Council.
The Council conducts policy research through its talented in-house faculty as well as external experts. It regularly organizes an array of intellectual activities including conferences, seminars, round table discussions, lectures and publications. The Council has Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with its counterpart organizations in over 40 countries in different parts of the world as well as with 11 national organizations. In addition, the Council is also engaged in promoting awareness about India’s foreign policy among academics and students in various central and other Indian universities and colleges. Through its multiple assets, namely a rich library, an informative and user-friendly website, a reputed journal named India Quarterly, its publication programme and its historical seat ‘Sapru House’, it is engaged in raising public awareness about India’s role in international affairs.
Last date of submission: 30th November, 2016
All inquiries regarding the re-design of ICWA Logo competition should be directed to the following e-mail address: directorresrech@icwa.in
The winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-.
For further information about ICWA, please click www.icwa.in
Read: Terms and Conditions
ICWA: Indian Council of world affairs
ICWA is India's oldest organization dealing with world affairs. Understanding the international characteristic of the institute,I and C in the logo highlights India's togetherness and centrality in the world.
#mygov #logo #contest #logodesign #indiancouncilofworldaffairs
One Logo Design concept of ICWA