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Logo Design Contest for National Hockey Academy (NHA)
![Logo Design Contest for National Hockey Academy (NHA) Logo Design Contest for National Hockey Academy (NHA)](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1462180707190667.jpg)
NHA Brief ...
NHA Brief
An elite level Hockey Academy is being established by Sports Authority of India at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium (MDCNS).The Academy shall cater to the identification and nurturing of young talent at both sub-junior and junior levels and the training of elite athletes on a run up to their preparations for international competitions.
This will be a National level Hockey academy wherein the best hockey talents would be inducted from across the country through talent scouting and after getting filtered at various levels such as district, state, etc., The inmates of NHA will be provided free boarding, lodging, education etc,.with pre-eminent sporting & allied facilities and top level scientific training.
The Academy which is being housed in Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium(MDCNS) has the world-class infrastructure for Hockey and supported with a range of specialist facilities, equipment and expertise suitable for training and competition of Elite Athletes. MDCNS is nation’s one of the most prestigious sports complex, particularly for hockey, and bears the stature of an iconic sports complex due to its location and heritage character.
Vision of National Hockey Academy is centered on
• Identification and nurturing of young talent at both sub-junior and junior level
• Support Training with Scientific & Sports Equipment
• Monitor and enhance Performance with a scientific evaluation system.
NHA Logo Contest
Sports Authority of India invites creative designers, artists and innovators to participate in "National Hockey Academy (NHA)" Logo Design Competition. The logo should depict the goals of NHA and be easily relatable to the National Game, Hockey. It should portray NHA as a place wherein best hockey talent of the Nation will be produced to attain the brilliance in Hockey discipline.
This task seeks inputs to design a Logo for NHA. The last date of submission is 20th May, 2016. The winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-.
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
My Submission for NHA
The logo 'wings of Eminence'. NHA acts like the wings for achieving eminence ( fame and glory) by the talents. The colour speaks about India. Specially, the A in National has a male and female silhouette to represent gender equality.
#shruti logo design
Here is my submission, please review it and feedbacks are welcome.
Abhivyakti Panwar
logodesign by #shruti
Tagline : "Health with Future"
thank you..#LogoDesign, #NationalHockeyAcademy, #NHA, #SAI, #MyGov
The PDF comprises of logo for NHA showing the idea of academy.
NHA logo...
The presented logo shows the commitment of national hockey academy in nurturing the young hockey talents of India. I am presenting 6 options of the logo design with various color options and deigns.