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Logo Design Contest for Sports Authority of India (SAI)
Brief about SAI ...
Brief about SAI
The Sports Authority of India (SAI) was set up as a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in pursuance of the Resolution No. 1-1/83/SAI dates 25th January, 1984 in 1984 to carry forward the legacy of the IXth Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982 under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS). SAI has been entrusted with the twin objectives of promoting sports and achieving sporting excellence at the National and International level. In order to facilitate development of sports SAI stands out as an apex body for promotion of sports and sports excellence in the country.
SAI has played a significant role in shaping India’s sports development by providing training to elite athletes and at the same time operating a number of schemes for identification and development of young talent. The schemes are being implemented through various regional centres and training centres of SAI spread throughout the country. In addition, a number of academic programmes in physical education and sports are also offered by SAI. Through its sports promotional schemes, SAI supports and nurtures talent amongst youth, and provides them with requisite infrastructure, equipment, coaching facilities and competition exposure.
SAI Operations Division deals with implementation of different sports promotional schemes of SAI aimed at spotting and nurturing the talented children in different age groups for achieving excellence at the National/International level. These schemes are being implemented by SAI through its Regional Centres located at Bangalore, Kolkata, Gandhinagar, Bhopal, Sonepat, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Kandivali, Guwahati and Imphal and Academic Wings located at NS NIS, Patiala and the LNCPE, Thiruvananthapuram. The Sports Science set up is well developed at Patiala, Bangalore and Kolkata and these facilities at other Centres are being upgraded suitably.
Vision of Sports Authority of India is centered on
-To promote and broad-base sports in the country
-To identify/ scout sports talent and nurture it
-To implement schemes/ programmes for achieving excellence in sports in different disciplines at international level in order to establish India as a major sporting power
-To manage the Stadia in Delhi, which were constructed /renovated for the IXth Asian Games held in 1982
-To act as an interface between the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports and respective State governments, as well as other agencies responsible for promotion/development of sports in the country
-To establish, run, manage and administer institutions to produce high caliber coaches, sports scientists and physical education teachers
-To plan, construct, acquire, develop, manage, maintain and utilize sports infrastructure and facilities in the country
-To initiate, undertake, sponsor, stimulate and encourage research projects related to various sports sciences for up gradation of sports, sportspersons and coaches
-To initiate issues and/ or cooperate with other Central or State bodies and other institutions involved in sports promotion and development of sports excellence in the country.
SAI Logo Contest
Sports Authority of India invites creative designers, artists and innovators to participate in "Sports Authority of India (SAI)" Logo Design Competition. The logo should depict the goals of SAI and be easily relatable to the Sports activities in India. It should portray SAI as a place wherein best sport talent of the Nation will be produced to attain the excellence in National & International level in Sports.
This task seeks inputs to design a Logo for SAI. The last date of submission is 20th December, 2016. The winning entry will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-.
Click to Read: Terms & Conditions
Tagline: play sports stay healthy
Logo designed for Sports Authority of India for your kind consideration, Thank you.
Logo Submission SAI.
Abhishek Kumar
Logo Design Contest for Sports Authority of India (SAI)
The basic concept of "Disciplined Sports" is used in designing of the logo by arranging appropriate elements in order to their hierarchy,
A fire torch represents an "Event" while Ashoka wheel in the Background suggests "Discipline"! The ribbon stands for "Achievement".
The color scheme is Inspired from our Indian Tricolour!
#mygov #sai #sport #sportyindia #logo #contest #sportsauthorityofindia
This logo represents “SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA”. Every color used in this logo has a particular meaning. ‘S’ is made up of 3 colors , yellow which represents “Ray of light and hope”, Pink which is the color of love of a player for India and the love which he/she gets in return and Red implies fire to succeed. A player is seen in the logo holding tricolor flag which implies positive growth in Indian sports. Background is kept white keeping in mind peace.
Kindly find attached logo submission along with a brief description
Thanks for the great opportunity, Below is my final proposal for the logo for SAI.
The aim was to show the fast and advanced organisation with a great sense of subtlety and simplicity within it. The Tagline is "Forging The Untouchables" which explains within the core value and the aim of this organisation both at its national and international level.
Hope you enjoy the work.
Mark Timothy
#mygov #sai #sport #sportyindia #logo #contest #sportsauthorityofindia
I am submitting the "Sports Authority of India" (SAI) Logo.
Contact 08821925139
In this logo I used Indian flag as medal because every sport person want to play & win for india. I add indian national game also in this logo. I gave this logo green color. Because green is color of nature, sport & health. I used both Hindi & english language. Hindi is our national language so it is very important to make it logo in both language.