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Logo Design Contest for Srinagar Smart City
The city of Srinagar is currently preparing smart city proposal to compete in nation-wide smart city challenge. As part of the logo design contest, the citizens are invited to ...
The city of Srinagar is currently preparing smart city proposal to compete in nation-wide smart city challenge. As part of the logo design contest, the citizens are invited to suggest a suitable logo for Srinagar Smart City.
1.Minimum size – 1.5” X 1.5” (Not less than 300 dpi)
2.All the entries to be submitted online through https://mygov.in, Logo Competition for Srinagar Smart city and in .jpg (JPEG) or .pdf (PDF) format
3.For offline submission, a hard copy and soft copy of the logo design should reach the following address before the due date:
Smart City Cell,
Informatics section,
1st Floor, Srinagar Municipal Corporation,
Karan Nagar-190011, Srinagar
4.Logo design should be unique and should reflect the culture and future aspirations of Srinagar.
5.Logo design should be easily applicable for web, print (posters, flyers etc.).
6.The design of the Logo should not contain any material that is copyright protected. All the participants must clearly mention following details along with their submission:-
Name -
Father/Mother Name -
Date of Birth -
Address -
Contact No. -
Name of the school/college/organization –
The best 3 entries will be declared as winners
1. 1st Prize – Rs. 5000 /- (Five Thousand only)
2. 2nd Prize – Rs.3000 /- (Three Thousand only)
3. 3rd Prize – 2000 /- (Two Thousand only)
2.The winning logo can be adopted by Srinagar Municipal Corporation as an official logo for Srinagar Smart City.
1.This contest is open for all i.e. citizens, individuals or professionals.
2.The entries for this contest shall be considered only till 20th October, 2016.
3.The decision of Srinagar Municipal Corporation for the selection of the winner shall be considered as final.
4.One Person can submit only One Entry for as a submission.
5.Srinagar Municipal Corporation reserves the right to select the prize winners and to use the logo as the official logo for Srinagar Smart City.
#srinagar #smartcity #mygov #moud #contest #logo
#srinagar #smartcity #mygov #moud #contest #logo
Srinagar smart city logo contest
#srinagar #smartcity #mygov #moud #contest #logo
Name -Kaumudi.I. more
Father Name - Indranil more
Date of Birth - 31-03-1993
Address -G2 A-wing , prestige chs , deewanman , vasai rd (west)
Contact No. - 7208148425
Name of the college – kamla raheja vidyanidhi institute for architecture
Srinagar : Srinagar is a city of prosperity and glory as the name suggests. We are aware of its beauty ; its lakes, boats and mountains. in my work i have tried to highlight the beauty which is relevant, visually enchanting and scintillating .
Name -Omer Manzoor
Father/Mother Name -Manzoor Ahmed Hagroo / Atiqa Banu
Date of Birth -22.10.1985
Address -Nishat Srinagar
Contact No. -9796356356
Name of the school/college/organization –Na
Date of Birth - 04.10.1971
Address - #P-11, Staff Colony,
Contact No. - 91-9878022335, 91-9815222335
E- Mail- ar.jatinder@gmail.com, ripu_jatinder@yahoo.co.in
Logo Design Contest for Srinagar Smart City
Name: Reetu Sharma
Fathers name: Mr. Chandra Pal Sharma
Date of birth: 22 June 1984
Address: 13-156, Mallikarjuna Nagar, Badangpet Khaman, Hyderabad-500058, TS
contact no.:08978995254, Email: reetush01@gmail.com
Name of organization: IICT, Hyderabad
logo for Srinagar
Malik Hameem