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Logo Design for Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) Live

About IIMK LIVE ...
The main aim and objectives of IIMKLIVE are:
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) is the fifth IIM set up by Government of India and is committed to research and education in management domain to meet national human resources development goals.
IIMK LIVE, an independent society set-up by IIM Kozhikode in June 2016 is planning to function as entrepreneurship development center and as incubator for start-up enterprises with innovative and promising business ideas. The letters LIVE in IIMK LIVE stand for ‘Laboratory for Innovation, Venturing and Entrepreneurship’. Although independent, it will be supported by intellectual resources – faculty members, research and knowledge base of IIM Kozhikode and would tap primarily into the hatcheries provided by its large student base in PG and Executive PG programs to identify and support entrepreneurial ventures. Initial grants to set-up the center are received from Department of Science and Technology, GoI and IIM Kozhikode.
The main objectives of IIMK LIVE are 1) to set-up a Technology Business Incubator with a purpose of creating a National Centre of Excellence that promotes innovation, new business venturing and entrepreneurship, 2)To promote, encourage, and sustain activities and programs, contributing to innovation, incubation & entrepreneurship development including research, training, consulting, advisory and support for entrepreneurs & new ventures, capacity building and dissemination of information through a variety of events.
The Competition
What we expect from the participants?
Participants are required to design a logo/visual identity for IIMK LIVE.
The designs may be a combination of symbol and wordmark or may use wordmark only to depict unique identity. Thus, the visual identity must have the words ‘LIVE’ prominently reflected. It may also have word ‘IIMK’ or ‘IIM Kozhikode’ with lesser emphasis to depict its association with IIM Kozhikode and to leverage its equity. The visual identity may integrate a base line‘Laboratory for Innovation, Venturing and Entrepreneurship’. Baseline or tagline at the moment is descriptive of the functions of LIVE and is simply the expansion of the acronym LIVE.
The fundamental expectations from a superior visual identity entry are four:
1) Originality – it should be original work of the participant and should be different (as unique and novel as possible)
2) Simplicity – it should be simple enough to be legible and versatile so far as production across digital, print and other media are concerned.
3) Reflective of meaning – it should reflect the key objectives and character of the organization in a very subtle and creative way and NOT direct or overt ways. While the organization needs to reflect soberness of a public service entity, it should also reflect the vibrancy and modernity to connect with young innovative entrepreneurs.
4) Aesthetics – it should be visually appealing and should have artistic touch to be inspirational.
The logo should be submitted in JPEG/PNG format only. The logo would be used on various printed material such as b/w and color, stationery and signage and on website/digital/ social media such as Twitter/Facebook.
The last date of submission is 21st September, 2016.
The best entry will be awarded a cash prize of Rs.15,000/-
Click to read Terms and Conditions, Technical Parameters and Evaluation Criteria.
Moderator for the Task
Prof. Keyoor Purani,
Executive Director, IIMK LIVE
Email ID: kpurani@iimk.ac.in