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Make My City Smart - Davanagere (Junction)

Make My City Smart - Davanagere (Junction)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 06, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

“Davanagere aspires to be a city where L.I.F.E nestles” LIFE stands for livable in safety and convenience, Inclusive, Financially Vibrant and Futuristic, Edutainment and ...

“Davanagere aspires to be a city where L.I.F.E nestles” LIFE stands for livable in safety and convenience, Inclusive, Financially Vibrant and Futuristic, Edutainment and Environment Friendly.

Under Smart City project DAVANAGERE SMART CITY LIMITED (DSCL) has initiated a competition involving “CITIZENS” in the design of Area-based development such as Streets, Junctions, and Parks etc.

The participants have to design and give the desirable situation (target). The design will be assessed by the DSCL on its do ability and innovation. The participants of the competition can be from any walk of life and may include citizens, students, technical experts, teachers and others.

Topic of Design Competition: “Make My City Smart” - Design Junction


1. Aralimara Circle
2. Court Circle
3. Lakshmi Circle
4. Mahatma Gandhi Circle
5. P.J. Circle
6. Rani Chennamma Circle
7. Sangolli Rayanna Circle

Last date of submission is 5th August 2016.

Prize Money

Following prize money will be given for each junction design:

First Prize: - 50,000/-
Second Prize: - 20,000/-
Third Prize: - 10,000/-

Terms and Conditions and Other Details

Aralimara Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4VEY2VDAzSTZGN2M/view?usp=sh...

Court Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4NzNLd0xncmJxM28/view?usp=sh...

Lakshmi Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4ZVd4R3I4RnJiRlE/view?usp=sh...

Mahatma Gandhi Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4Y3ktdWFkMkF5ZW8/view?usp=sh...

P.J. Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4ZktxdHQtX0dJMVU/view?usp=sh...

Rani Chennamma Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4cnRXS0VKRy1XTWs/view?usp=sh...

Sangolli Rayanna Circle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9MCPxDDw8Y4U291aFpNMUUzaUE/view?usp=sh...

The above links leads to the following:

Annexture “A”

• Competition Rules
• Eligibility and Authorship
• Submission Guidelines
• Broad structure for the competition entry
• Selection Process
• Prizes Details

Annexture “B” - Reference documents for preparation of competition entries

• Existing Situation Report
• Autocad File
• Area photo gallery
• Maps
• Other Related Documents

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