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Make Your City Smart- Guwahati (Complex) Round II
Make Your City Smart- Guwahati (Complex) Round II ...
Make Your City Smart- Guwahati (Complex) Round II
Guwahati City because of its strategic location commonly known as gateway to the North Eastern states. Situated on the bank of mighty Brahmaputra. Guwahati smart city’s objective is to promote city core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment with all required amenities and make the city economically vibrant, ecologically sustainable.
Guwahati Smart City Dev. Agency Ltd. has invited a competition to encourage innovative ideas suggestions to improve the existing situation of Junctions, street, park as well as Heritage Bungalow/complex and has invited qualified citizen like- Architects, Planners, architectural students and other technical to participate.
“Make Your City Smart”- Guwahati- Heritage Bungalow
Director Bungalow of the Directorate Complex of animal Husbandry & Veterinary Dept. at Chenikuthi
15 October, 2016 at 3pm
First Prize: Rs. 50,000/-
Consolation Prize: Rs. 10,000/-
1) Existing Situation Report and other documents (Complex folder)
2) Terms & Conditions
conceptual design for Directorate complex of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department.
#makeyourcitysmart #mygov #guwahati
proposed system will helps in navigation with out internet and by using WLAN
Make Your City Smart- Guwahati (Complex) Round II
Brahmaputra river bank can be made concrete so that it will be a good recreational place. People will not make it dirty and the boat movement will also be smooth. The fishing and fish economy can be strengthen by this way.
In Guwahati it requires for making a number of youth hostel for transit accomodation. Because Guwahati is gateway for North East and all people have to come through it, thereby facility can be made so that people can easily, safely and cheaply can stay during their up down.
making our city smart does not always mean only technological development.it also mean to develop your environment. i want to say
in cities residential area or wecan say residential houses are divided basically into three categories that is low income group,medium income group,high income group,. my point is those people who live in MIG and HIG group have enough space outside their houses. its very simple that they can plant trees outside their houses.this will also help for smart city