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Make Your City Smart - Reimagining Sinhgad Road in Pune city
![Make Your City Smart - Reimagining Sinhgad Road in Pune city Make Your City Smart - Reimagining Sinhgad Road in Pune city](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1466676711190667.jpg)
Pune smart city development corporation Ltd. invites all the citizens to participate in the international ideas competition to “Reimagine Sinhgad Road” in Pune city. ...
Pune smart city development corporation Ltd. invites all the citizens to participate in the international ideas competition to “Reimagine Sinhgad Road” in Pune city.
The competition aspires to seek citizen feedback and active involvement in the design of streets as public spaces thereby generating a broad consensus and community pride.
‘Make your cities Smart’ is an important step towards engagement of citizens in deciding and having a say in what their city, public spaces and streets need to be. The smart city initiative cannot succeed without the active involvement and engagement of its citizens.
Leveraging its rich cultural and natural heritage, strong human capital and strong business environment as key strengths, Pune aspires to become the most liveable City in India by solving its core infrastructure issues in a “future proof” way and by making its neighbourhood beautiful, clean, green and liveable. The Competition is guided and underpinned by these very core principles.
This is an opportunity to send us your creative ideas from citizens’ point of view and tell us why you would like them to be implemented and more importantly share your own vision for your city. Up to three winning submissions will be rewarded with the cash prize and the ideas will be considered for implementation.
Your ideas and engagement can revitalize the character of the street and benefit the future generations.
Let’s join hands to make “Majhe Pune, Smart Pune”.
Terms and Conditions
• No plagiarism will be allowed
• Citizens from all age groups can participate.
• The last date to submit entries is 25th July, 2016
• You can submit the entries on www.mygov.in
• For submission format, evaluation criteria and site specifications, please refer to details on www.punesmartcity.in
Prize Money
First Prize: INR 50,000/-
Second Prize: INR 30,000/-
Third Prize: INR 10,000/-
All the participants will also receive the “Certificate of Participation towards making Pune a Smart City”.
This is in response to the contest for reimagining Sinhgad road
Re-imagining Sinhgad Road
The proposal is in the uploded pdf is the new and smart way to divide and safe travel and transport on the proposed sinhgad road in Pune city.
thank you
Thank you for this amazing chance.
Thank you for the opportunity
Thank you for this opportunity.
Street Design -Reimagine sinhgad road .
Abirami Shanmugam,BNCA .
Make your city Smart –Reimaging SinhgadRoad in PuneCity
Promoting Walkbility, Mobility and Sustainability through Enhanced Street Design
#MakeYourCitySmart, #ReimaginingSinhgadRoad, #PuneCity, #SmartCity, #MyGov