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Poster Drawing Competition on Theme – “Payment without cash- It’s Possible”
![Poster Drawing Competition on Theme – “Payment without cash- It’s Possible” Poster Drawing Competition on Theme – “Payment without cash- It’s Possible”](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_148275647433847684.jpg)
From 25th December all payments to New Delhi Municipal Council -- Electricity bill, water bill, property tax, estate license fees, , parking fee, towing charges, penalties, etc ...
From 25th December all payments to New Delhi Municipal Council -- Electricity bill, water bill, property tax, estate license fees, , parking fee, towing charges, penalties, etc will be possible through cashless means - swipe machine/POS, mobile wallet, e-wallet, AADHAR enabled payment means, Unified payment interface, net banking etc. NDMC is the first local body to go cashless for all forms of transactions.
Smaller expenses like payment of user-charges for garbage disposal, parking fee, fine for towing of vehicle, monthly rent to the civic body, etc, people would be able to use all these options. For the smooth transition towards cashless NDMC has adopted multi-pronged strategy. All NDMC employees have been trained in the ways and means for cashless transaction through special awareness camps. IEC activities for the citizens have been organized; a team of dedicated volunteers is working at the NDMC facilitation centers to help the citizens in adapting to cashless transactions. NDMC has made its payments gateways user friendly and attractive to make the entire experience of digital payments HASSLE FREE. Attractive offers like rebate in the bill amount are also being extended for shifting to digital means. NDMC does not charge any transaction fees on any digital transaction.
NDMC is therefore organizing a Poster Making competition on theme: “Payment without cash- It’s Possible”.
The contest carries following three prizes:
1st Prize - Rs.10,000/-
2nd Prize- Rs.7,500/-
3rd Prize- Rs.5,000/-
Last date of submission is 10th January, 2017.
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
For any clarification, please contact Shri A A Tazir, Dir (Event Management), NDMC on Tel. No. 011- 23364210
visit Website:- www.ndmc.gov.in
Poster expresses how we can use digital media for Electricity bill, water bill, property tax, estate license fees, , parking fee, towing charges, penalties, etc will be possible through cashless means.
Poster for "Payment without cash it's possible"
This idea revolves around the 'COMMON MAN' inspiring the 'COMMON MAN' because this is the best method to inspire each and every citizen of country for this initiative taken by our Respected Prime Minister. By this way this idea will spread the most.
Thanks and Regards,
Manisha Sharma
My Entry for Poster Making competition.
Go cashless