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Suggest Logo for Setu Bharatam
“Setu Bharatam” is an ambitious program to ensure Railway Crossing less National Highways by 2019. In order to ensure safe and smooth flow of traffic, Ministry of Road ...
“Setu Bharatam” is an ambitious program to ensure Railway Crossing less National Highways by 2019. In order to ensure safe and smooth flow of traffic, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has envisaged a plan for replacement of all the Level Crossings on National Highways by ROBs/ RUBs and replacement/ widening/ strengthening of weak and narrow bridges under” Setu Bharatam”.
Under this program, a total number of 208 Level Crossings have been identified for replacement by constructing ROBs in time bound manner. In addition, approximately 1500 bridges shall also be improved by replacement/widening/ strengthening in a phased manner.
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways invites entries from the public for suggesting Logo for “Setu Bharatam”
Last date for submission of entries: 31st May, 2016.
Selected entry will be awarded cash prize of Rs. 25000/- (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand only)
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
This proposed logo depicts the main purpose of the Setu Bharatam Project. The logo here, tries to incorporate the "S" of the Setu Bharatam Road with a train going under and over the highway (shown as ROB/RUB) in a creative manner, along with a visually effective baseline that sums up the main objective of the project: a faster, smoother and easy flow of traffic.
Logo for setu Bharatam
This is first logo which is purely created by me. I hope its shows my simplicity and creativity. Thank you
I had attached simple logo revealing the clear sense of the project Setu Bharatam. 'Let's Move Free!!Move with Setu Bharatam....'
Consider my submission.
We usually find a 'X'on railway crossing now we will find a 'tick'since there will be no crossing..here is my logo for the setu bharatam
Please find herewith my Logo for "Setu Bharatam". It is designed in tricolour and depicts the ROB over a railway line, thus very beautifully indicates the job of this ambitious program. The logo is original and made by me specially for this task. Thanking You.
Setu Bharatam is uneqivocally the best ever project the government has taken to makeover indian infrastructure.All the best Bharatam and team. Here is my small contribution