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Suggest Tagline for Smart City Ahmedabad

As part of the tagline contest, the citizens are invited to suggest a suitable tagline for Ahmedabad Smart City. The tagline should encompass the essence & character of Ahmedabad ...
As part of the tagline contest, the citizens are invited to suggest a suitable tagline for Ahmedabad Smart City. The tagline should encompass the essence & character of Ahmedabad and be representative of the aspirations of the people of Ahmedabad.
Word Limit: 10 words
Language: Gujrati / Hindi / English
Last Day for Submission of Entries is 20th October, 2015.
The best 3 entries would be declared as winners.
Prize Money (Cash / Vouchers / Gift items*):
• 1st Prize: Rs. 10,000/-
• 2nd Prize: Rs. 6,000/-
• 3rd Prize: Rs. 4,000/-
• Consolation Prizes (15 nos.): Rs. 2,000/- each
The winning tagline can be adopted by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation as an official tagline for Ahmedabad Smart City*.
*AMC reserves the right to select the prize winners and to use the tagline as the official tagline for Ahmedabad Smart City.
Ahi Rotloy male...ane otloy male..!!!
Dream of smart city become true for smart generation....@@@@@
1.The city that makes your life smart.
2.The city that fulfills all our needs.
3.Experience the life here.
4.Celebrate the life here.
transforming ahmedabad into a smart city.
# Tagline for Ahmedabad..
#smart City# Ahmedabad..
LINE IS : Ahmedabad ka Chota sa kadam ujval bhavishya ki ore...
Ajay Sharma s/o Sh.O.P Sharma 9999054547(M)
Ahmedabad....The City of FEEL(Fun,Energy,Enthusiastic,Learning).
Clean City,
Green City
Smart City, Ahmedabad.
बापू का सपना
स्वच्छ , सुन्दर नगर हो अपना।
Sir, Few Suggestions for the Best tagline for Ahmedabad, my city, is enclosed herewith.
Global in Vision and Gujarati at Heart, Ahmadabad is Smart
धबकतु अमदावाद, विकासवन्तु अमदावाद