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Tagline Contest for Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme
![Tagline Contest for Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme Tagline Contest for Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1722416617110258821.png)
About DIC: ...
About DIC:
Digital India Corporation is a not-for-profit company set up by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. Earlier the company was known as ‘Media Lab Asia’. It has been renamed as ‘Digital India Corporation’ w.e.f. Sep 8, 2017. The Company now leads & guides in realizing the vision, objectives and goals of the Digital India program. It provides strategic support to Ministries / departmental states to carry forward the mission of Digital India by way of capacity building for e-governance projects, promoting best practices, encouraging public-private partnerships (PPP),nurturing innovations and technologies in various domains.
About Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT
Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT (Phase I) was launched in 2014 to increasing the number of PhDs in Electronic Systems Design and Manufacturing as well as IT/ITES fields in the country. During Phase I of the scheme, 746 Full-time and 148 Part-time candidates completed their PhDs, 66 Full-time & 10 part-time PhD candidates have submitted their thesis while 81 Full-time and 115 part-time candidates are currently pursuing their doctoral studies.
Research has been undertaken under the scheme in emerging research areas viz. Image Processing, DSP, Pattern Recognition, 3D Printing, 5G Communications, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Distributed Computing, Cyber Security, Green and Sustainable ICT, Quantum Computing/ Communication, Semiconductor Design etc.
To further support research and academic pursuits, the second phase of the scheme was initiated in 2021. This phase aims to assist with 1000 full-time and 150 part-time PhD seats. It also includes support for 225 Post-Doctoral Fellowships and 50 YFRFs.
Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT, in collaboration with MyGov, invites citizens to submit entries to provide a visual identity to the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme, comprising of creative, original, and catchy tagline that communicates the essence of the scheme.
Technical Parameters:-
• The tagline should be less than 10 words in Hindi or in English
• The tagline should be catchy and should not be more than one line.
• A small description should be provided to explain the concept of the suggested tagline.
The best entry for Tagline (slogan) will be rewarded with a cash prize of Rs. 5,100/-
For Terms and Conditions, Click Here (PDF 167KB)