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Skilled India Empowering India
प्रविष्ट किया:24 मई 2017

The world believes that India, the country of a billion, as the next upcoming power. With half the population still struggling to be skilled, this dream seemed far. This reality had to be changed and Government of India accepted this challenge head on.

Announcing Winners for Innovation Challenge for Disaster Risk Reduction
प्रविष्ट किया:19 मई 2017

The second meeting of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) was organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs, as an initiative to bring together different stakeholders such as policymakers, disaster management experts, administrators, scientists, community leaders and private stakeholders for comprehensive consultation on disaster risk reduction and preparedness.

Connecting India – Moving People, Not Just Vehicles
प्रविष्ट किया:16 मई 2017

Recently NITI Aayog, proposed a three year Action Agenda document, recommended certain policy changes which will allow us to better align the development strategy with changed reality of India. One such reality is the exponential rate at which urbanization is taking place in India.

Announcing Winners for India Innovation Challenge 2016 Semifinals
प्रविष्ट किया:09 मई 2017

India is currently witnessing a tech entrepreneurial wave with innovations coming to the fore; young India is tackling various socio-economic issues through them.

The 'smart' way of Integrated Planning
प्रविष्ट किया:09 मई 2017

In the Smart City Challenge (competition) cities had to prepare their plans in the form of a Proposal . The Proposal was a template to be filled-in by all cities participating in the Challenge and was based on principles of integrated planning as applied to the context of Indian cities.

CSIR-CRRI’s Indigenous Car Driving Simulator for Comprehensive Driver Testing to enhance  Road Safety
प्रविष्ट किया:04 मई 2017

CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) India’s premier national laboratory, a constituent of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) continues to break fresh ground in increasing road safety in India by aiming to minimise road fatalities through research.

National Health Policy – New Frontiers in Health Care
प्रविष्ट किया:30 Apr 2017

The announcement of the National Health Policy 2017 is one of the many progressive strides being made by our country. It is one of the several long due activities that has fructified under NDA Government’s mandate of ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ under the visionary leadership of Shri. Narendra Modi ji.

Unbundling Prime Minister's Ideas
प्रविष्ट किया:27 Apr 2017

Prime Minister Modi during his Civil Service address on 21 April 2017 focused on five ideas – pursuit of excellence, ‘anamika’, burden of experiences, out-of-box thinking and focus on outcomes. The book, Hourglass Management Paradigm: Pathway to Excellence in Leadership (Bloomsbury 2014), also propagates similar ideas. Let us see what the hourglass paradigm says about these ideas.

Happy Birthday Earth!! – Earth Day 2017
प्रविष्ट किया:24 Apr 2017

Saturn wears many beautiful ringlets, Mars is red and ornamented with volcanoes, canyons and craters, Jupiter is big and has a bright red spot but no planet is as beautiful and bountiful as Earth. The present state of time when we are inclined to focus on the hazards facing the Earth—a large number of them—it also becomes imperative to take some time out to rejoice in the assorted loveliness of nature that is around our homes.

Citizens to stop for 'Red Light' Signals, not 'Red Beacon' (Lal Batti) Culture
प्रविष्ट किया:24 Apr 2017

In yet another move depicting that citizens are the foremost priority of the Narendra Modi Government, it has been announced that VIP vehicles in India can no longer have red beacons atop. This decision will come into effect from 1st May, 2017 onwards.


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