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गाड़ियों के आगमन एवं प्रस्थान संबंधी पूछताछ सेवा
![Train Enquiry System Train Enquiry System](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/5bf44911bc31996998704f4db48daabcb8d95d87_0_1700469840.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 01, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 17, 2015
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
यात्री गाडि़यों के परिचालन संबंधित सूचना enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/ntes/, से प्राप्त कर ...
Please Find Attachment.............
PUNCTUALITY of train leave a lot of scope for improvement. Mr Prabhu must do some thing concrete to improve. This does not need major Finance- just to eradicate the lethargy.. which is deep rooted in the system. Some punctuality Index be evolved and displayed in public forum/news channels/news papers on day to day basis- so that public could sense the improvement or deterioration.
safety and security during rail journey is very important. people who had suffered looting in trains during previous regime should feel safe now. the vulnerable spots of looting in trains should be paid special attention to make train journey safe. thanks
Sir I am sorry to inform Honourable Prime Minister and Honourable Railway Minister that IRCTC website is made unreachable during tatkal booking time leading to failure to proceed further after book now options. I tried continuously two days and experienced the same problem and I could not book my e-ticket. I request you to look into this matter.
This is quite cumbersome to write at right forum. To increase passenger loading capacity in existing train coaches with just a single change in RESERVATION POLICY, I have written around 10-12 times to PM & Railway Ministry. Sir,you people provide meeting time to so called celebs quite often but to my surprise not giving me 5-10 minutes which may bring wonders in Bhartiya Railways and save thousands of crores of Rupees of Bhartiya Govt.Plz. oblige me by providing 10 mnts. Ajay 9871320243
These are the everyday problems, which requires immediate solution. Then there are accidents of all types, maintenance and infrastructure, which requires planned solution. I have heard u saying Railway has no money. Money would not solve these problems, technology would and for that, you need to encourage, and reward technology, rather than rewarding inefficiency by giving bonus & awarding contracts. In fact, railway is the first place, where i learned to bribe, it was so easy to bribe them.
Probably, no where in the world, there would be such a great Demand-Supply mismatch as is in INDIAN railway. However, inside the train TTE boss would arrange it for you (particularly on Howrah-Delhi section). Due to rape culture in railway (when VIP/Premium trains overtakes so called superslow trains at lonely stations mercilessly) and inefficiency of railway, on this section, the trains are more than 5-8 hours late as a rule. And finally animal like experience in the general coach.
Military has been trying to enhance their quota in AC class since 6th pay commission has enhance travel entitlement but railways has played cool. R M must give the JAWAN dues on priority.
Tatkal Ticket are issued before finalization of waiting list which is 4 hour before schedule train arrival, if the wait listed passenger has no confirmation than he lost the change of getting tatkal ticket which is issued 24 hour advance,he had paid all the dues to railways in 2 months advance but not given chance to travel. Can R M do some thing.
Railway ensure all trains must has the coaches in fix sequence for UP & down say a train starting station has it AC coaches attached after 5 sleeper coach or 10 sleeper coach. This will save lot of cross movements by passengers & rail staff. Secondly instead of adding train , coaches should be added to existing trains,which will reduce the engine , staff requirements & will enhance timely running of trains