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नॉन-पर्सनल डेटा गवर्नेंस फ्रेमवर्क के ड्राफ्ट पर अपने इनपुट भेजें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Dec 28, 2020
अंतिम तिथि :
Jan 31, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
गैर-व्यक्तिगत डेटा गवर्नेंस फ्रेमवर्क पर विचार विमर्श करने के लिए ...
I live under a Panchayat near IITKGP. I cannot know the data of land records, road condition, residents composition in age, sex, occupation according to census of aadhar card holders living there. I can't see plots number on google map like images, from government websites. I think such data must be public for us to report for action.
jai hind 🙏
🙏🙏जय हिन्द,జై హింద్,ஜெய் ஹிந்த்,齋印德,ジャイハインド,জয় হিন্দ,จอยหลัง,🙏🙏
Safety need for all child, not only for girl child
So "Sukanya Sambriddhi Yojna" like projects are completely illogical & depriving a specific gender from their rights.
Help need for needy child not only for girl child.
Non personal data is those type of data which has some use in public sector.in my view it should be stored in government served and gave assurance to maintain secrecy. Second how it should uses properly and carefully.third a legal guidance and should punish for any wrong activity.
Many cases of fraud with Bank accounts are reported these days.
Modus operandi is quite simple.
They take duplicate sim with plea on loss of mobile phone. Log on bank site and select 'Forgot Password'
OTP is received on their phone, create new password, do transaction and get away.
Considering this, if password is forgotten, going to bank physically shall be made mandatory and new password shall be issued after verification of biometrics.
Otherwise, through biometric enabled mobile phones.
End to end encryption is one way to protect the personal data on chat platforms.
But, any individual with some personal interests working in concerned government department can breach it with or without any permission.
There is no provision for prevention of such unauthorised intrusion in private data in this document.
Demarcation line between personal and non personal data is quite blurred.
Anyone can breach it with quite an ease.
How, it can be ensured to draw a clear line between personal and non personal data?
Non personal data may be related to nation or any companies should be governed, monitor and stored in secured manner