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भारतीय दूरसंचार विधेयक, 2022 के मसौदे पर सुझाव/ विचार आमंत्रित
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 23, 2022
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 20, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
संचार मंत्रालय ने दूरसंचार में एक आधुनिक और भविष्य के लिए तैयार लीगल ...
सोशल मीडिया अनैतिक होता जा रहा है, उस पर लगाया गया लगाम नजर नहीं आता है।
Social media is becoming immoral, the reins on it are not visible.
Telecommunication bill is a way to regulate and covered with legal frame work for it.
1 Telecommunication bill should be framed according to needs and for tackle future problem.
2 A national complain portal should be formed for solve problem of communication sector.
3 A national telecommunication command centre should be established for watch wrong activity of sector.
4 A criminal offence should be imposed on misuse and theft of personal data.accountqbility has fixed for service provider.
5 All service provider have their server in our country .
6 A heavy fine should be imposed on service provider for sell of personal data to third party.
7 A special cyber court should be established for hearing case related to cyber crime.
सोशियल मीडिया के विभिन्न आयामों पर नैतिक दबाव रखना चाहिए ।
Any service on behalf of telecom should fully utilize Indian technologies.
The development of Indian technologies is hindered by the use of foreign technologies in communication related matters.
Make it mandatory for new license applicants and renewers to use Indian technologies and tools for their services.
With 5G technology, anything is possible for us to create independently.
There are many people who have the necessary skills.
Waiting for an opportunity.
Allow only companies using A to Z Indian technologies for their services.
Foreign investments are welcome, not foreign technologies.
Something like Google should be created exclusively for India.
Money and information of Indians should stay within India.
The use of foreign technologies destroys the benefits of our independence.
Technology invented by Indians must be used for public services.
It should be mandatory for licensing to give an undertaking that only Indian technology is used in their services.
मेरे विचार से सरकार को यह बताना चाहता हूं कि बैंकों में एनपीए रिकवरी के लिए बैंकों को स्वतंत्र कर देना चाहिए तथा यह देखा गया है कि एक बैंक में लोन एनपीए होने के बाद ग्राहक दूसरे बैंकों में अपना जमा खाता खोल लेते हैं जिससे वह एनपीए लोन खाते में जमा नहीं करता है इसके लिए सरकार को बैंकों को स्वतंत्र कर देना चाहिए वह एक दूसरे बैंक में जमा राशि को उसके एनपीए लोन खातों में जमा कर सके तथा बैंकों को एनपीए खाताधारक को दूसरे बैंक में खाता खोलने के लिए पाबंदियों का स्वरूप तैयार करें ताकि बैंकों का एनपीए घाटा कम कर सके। सरकार के पास सभी बैंकों का केवाईसी डाटा उपलब्ध है जिसका उपयोग सही तरीके से किया जा सकता है सरकार के सभी सरकारी बैंक सरकार के हैं और एक दूसरे से लोन खातों की रिकवरी में मदद कर सकते हैं इसलिए सरकार को इस चीज के लिए पहल करनी चाहिए
Tele communication bill nas been formed for regulate and make legal frame work for it.there are so many points for it.
1 Telecommunication bill is formed according to our needs and view their future implication.
2 Data privacy should be fully protected in this bill.
3 Misuse of personal data should be a criminal offence in this bill.data is all in all in telecom sector.
4 Responsibility of service operator should be fixed for any illegal activity.
5 Anti national and anti social content has to be totally banned in any plateform.service provider should be responsible for it.
6 A national complain portal should happen for register complain .
Where on one side, this bill can be seen as bringing equality for all the telecom service providers, on the other side, with the increased government intervention, this will only impinge over the privacy of the citizens.
Where the Data Protection Bill is still in discussion, asking the telcos to store data in India only in one way deviates from one of the principles of the bill. this will bring an end to E2EE offered by the companies which is one of the major reasons citizens preferred these. Also reducing the deliberating powers of TRAI only signifies more centralisation and backward progress of the countries policies.
What ever bill you bring, till the time you don’t stop preparing it through an IAS and implementing it through IAS it will always pass through rough weather. Why are you so dependent on this mediocre but egoist community?
1.for each intermediary collecting info of users like kyc etc may hamper growth of free platform ,instead there should be one platform providing services of bunch of many intermediary app like WhatsApp,Facebook,sonyliv etc. user will share the info once and get services of many .
2.curbing the power of trai will be fatal because law making should reflect on future governance as well,effective functioning of this government may function well without trai but later the ease of business may be hampered without trai because trai is an interface between govt and private players. and we have experience that how due to poor ease of business in past our economy suffered. instead more delegated legislative power to trai will make the sector independent in long term,just like regulation of film industry or media is done in our country.