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भारतीय दूरसंचार विधेयक, 2022 के मसौदे पर सुझाव/ विचार आमंत्रित
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 23, 2022
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 20, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
संचार मंत्रालय ने दूरसंचार में एक आधुनिक और भविष्य के लिए तैयार लीगल ...
5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.
5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds,
But reduce the price of 5G
With a watchful government, and dutiful citizens, it would not be difficult to provide best services in the best interest of the nation. This means, necessary flexibility are adhered to in various aspects. with necessary provisions for further improvement in the governing principles to accommodate future developments, difficulties, especially in the present globally interconnected world order, there are many ways, for the anti national forces to play from outside and inside. As we see the giant media houses are not only using provisions for Profiteering, worst, they spread Rumours, Obstruct the flow of News, Misinterpret , using even so called international laws, made for dividing unity of nation, its civilizations. In this age of Cyber Security, nations welfare liesin alert people and government especially for India's Heritage, of ethics aesthetics for justice, in a grievous power mongering establishment, right information at right time guarantees protection and security.JaiHind
it should be business friendly but should cover security aspects and open to future technology and innovation. bill should be flexible enough to pass judicial scrutiny.
dear friends,
As all we know india is a developing country as an indian i am pround of it but india has its on mistakes that a country must comprimise and give priority to its citizen then they have have to concentrate on developing the country,when we look on to india each and every tax is high on india so many mobile brands hesitates to introduce their innovative products to india as of high tax to sustain they have to increase price of mobiles that the people may not be able to accept that price.The telecom bill of india has changed a lot
Tele communication bill is a way to regulate and develop proper management system for this sector.
1 Telecommunication bill has according to country needs and demand .it has to be focus on future of our country.
2 Service provider should be responsible for misuse of personal data.
3 A national complain portal should be happen for register consumer complain.
4 Anti national and anti social content should be fully banned and service provider responsible has to be fit in this case.
5 A criminal offence should be imposed on service provider for anti social and anti national content.
6 A heavy penalty has to be imposed on misuse of personal data.
We are in 21st century and homeing that India will transform fully digital, but our telecom network still struggling in many parts of India. This is my personal experience I am living in Delhi since a long time and employeed In an IT company, many a time I have to go my hometown, there I have to face multiple challenges due to poor network, If telecom sector will fully developed people can hope to start business and other industries in every corner of India this will help in decrease of poverty for sure.
Unlimited access to user's chats in name of controlling anti-national activities is against right to privacy. Government is being so controlling
There must be strong actions to stop cyber crimes and protect user rights...
Disaster recovery plan ! don't let it go the Y2k scale. atleast it was detected in time what happens if the phone is lost/captured by enemy, thugs ,looters . how safe is life & wealth . as it is there are frauds happening in tune of billions of $$ . U don't even come to know of it . all passowrds ,mails redirected. Let common sense already rare be not destroyed . Bank policy to favor and protect customers. Misuse/abuse - govt should bring the best hackers, criminals how they think , act and be prepared for the worst. covid a jumla or vaccine it lasted only two years but decades behind & maimed all of 80 crore hindus. Pfizer lovers & we the maliks including moonhuds of tughaq collegium enjoying the ayyashi from the loot. tughlaqs at best. prayers that hindus remain safe from jihadis & asuras in all directions calling the shots.
Rapid growth of digitalisation, innovative software product, enhanced technology in many field, emergence of mushrooming app serving in people in their most used necessary services, like, Fintech, Insutech, health tech, edutech, and Logitech, which have greatly needed in the period of corona 19 global lockdown. These have been possible aided by internet which now further improved because of. Improvement in Telecommunication , the rollout of 5G will surely seachange. IoT,cloud, blockchain, data analysis etc.Therefore, my suggestion that it is very expedient to take into mind that we should regulate and improve the ensuing policy safe, secure, world class equipment. Since many spheres of our daily life. It is now most important infrastructure. Most of the progress, in financial inclusion, economy growth, empowering startup. We are already making our country proud forming more than very popular Unicorns in various sectors.It is quite relevant as this will like the best of the world.