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24 सितंबर 2017 को प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के मन की बात के लिए अपने विचार साझा करें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 13, 2017
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
मन की बात अपने पहले एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद से अब 3 उल्लेखनीय वर्षों ...
Respected Sir, Several hundred thousands of students are going to abroad (china, russia, georgia, philippines etc.) to study MBBS and spending several lakhs to foreign countries. since the BJP lead govt. came in Power, a statement saw that the GOVT. is going to increase 10,000 more MBBS seats in India under govt.sector. even after 3 years didn't materialized anything about it. shall we expect anything soon - in the next academic year ??
500 & 2000 denominations cancelled Because banned money laundering.
Respected sir,
why can you petrol regristed in gst . please 500 & 2000 denominations cancelled
You are asking the new india to our better future but our new youth generation go to new india by new style....I see mu around most teenagers are smoking and this is the new style of our youth to go new india....so the my request is you are say something about the topic and remove the addiction....Jai hind
children suffering because of greedy ladies filing false DV/Dowry cases.pls ensure harsh action against greedy ladies filing false DV/Dowry cases
I hope i am able to put across least of the difficulties faced by senior citizens with this astounding increase and am sure you will consider the same and do the needful.
Request your goodselves to take the matter on your record and take some measures in the interest of common man and senior citizens.
Yours Truly and faithful
When the interest rates for small savings have gone down then please imagine the plight of those senior citizen families as to how will they manage to pay the premiums from limited source of income.
Though Insurance companies have to look after their cash flows and claims as well as sustainability, such huge increase in premiums at one go is no way justified in any manner for senior citizens
on other hand the Insurance Regulatory body has sanctioned the huge increase in premiums at one go!!!! This is very shocking and surprising as the premiums for lower age group have either been reduced or not increased devastatingly then why such huge increase for senior citizens health care provisions.?
We are a common man and hailing from middle class family and there are so many other senior citizens in the same category who are meeting their ends from their savings.
It was only during March 2016 that I had been able to upgrade the health care insurance for my Mother for another Rs 5 lacs for a premium of Rs 27k after much difficulty. Now with the huge increase in the health care premiums which is unaffordable for most of the families, it is very difficult to manage to pay the premiums as there are many different premiums to be paid alongwith other routine expenses.
On one hand there are many schemes launched by your goodselves for senior citizens
Respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sir,
Wishing you a Belated Very Happy Birthday!!!! May you be blessed with good health and success in ALL your reforms now and always!!!!
Its been very sad that I have to update you about the drastic and sudden increase in the health care premiums for senior citizens recently. I am a single lady and a representative of common man who is staying with my parents both of whom are senior citizens.