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24 सितंबर 2023 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 03, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
Our Beloved Prime Minister Modi ji,
Subject: Awareness on Carnatic Festival in Chennai held every December.
I am writing to you in advance regarding the Carnatic Festival that is generally held in Chennai Every December. This has been happening for many years. The awareness and interest of this great festival must be increased to encourage very young artists who perform. The stadium is full only for famous artists but not for those who are students or less popular adults.
If you could mention about this Carnatic Festival which showcases Bharathia Arts with variety of performances during the December month, not only will this encourage and boost the performers, this message will also reach those who are not aware and encourage them to contribute to the Traditional arts of Bharath.
A sample link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBsp7b0Py-s
Thanks for all the Love and Support you shower on all of us.
Best regards,
I am feeling shame on supreme court order about kaveri river dispute of Karnataka and Tamil nadu
I am simply explaining you, total water data 20TMC and order of kaveri river committee (as well following supreme court) daily 0.5 tmc for 15days(7.5tmc) release to tamil nadu for agricultural and industry ,then Karnataka had balanced 12.5 ,there also 5 tmc dead storage not usage level ,then available 7.5 tmc, again only Bengaluru city want 1.5tmc/month and other cities like mysuru want 1tmc/month , then how to fulfill drinking requirement of these cities .just tell me. Shameful on decision of supreme court as well as modi govt...
I hope you will enter this problem to solve problem of Karnataka plz plz plz
jai shri ram modi ji !
no chances of winning elections next time but u know wats happening in Karnataka Our chief minister Siddramiah is removin go hatya rule so many are killing cows please remove this rule . Ban AI rule it has cut many workers hands . That is my humble request
Perhaps one more day of indirect sun exposure needed for the systems to get charged and to establish communication with earth, rebooting of Vikram and Pragyan is scheduled for 23rd . Vikram to come up first
I AM ANKIT KUMAR FROM the Small district charkhi dadri of Haryana
I have a Question tha t I am hearing 22 years that India is a developing country How many years come then we hearing India is a developed country
Please solve the problem 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Pradhanmantri ji pranam.
Our country is one of the largest democracy in the world.some suggestion has given for strong democratic system.
1 Reservation has given to retired armed forces and other security personal.
2 Reservation has given to religious and spiritual people who serve society.
3 Reservation has given to business tycoon and and industrialist because it had huge contribution for economic development.
4 Reservation has given to farmer and atrisans.
Dear Hon. P. M
Sh. Narender Modi ji
It is my great good luck that u r our prime minister. In your leadership our country India became Golden sparrow in space. All the programme leading by you are very thoughtful and progressive. Today I want to say that pls launch new technolgy which produce low CO2 and other harmful guesses. It can be only in your leadership. We want white environment so that comming generation became safe. I hope and pray to God that comming government will also in your leadership.
Jai Bharat, Jai Modi.
Thanking you
Hukam Singh PGTGeography
Dear PM Modi Jee,
I want to bring the following things to your notice and want to know the Indian Government's views on my analysis.
With Regards
Abhishek Goutam
Pradhanmantri ji pranam.
Social behaviour on public place is a very big concern for our country.there are so many incident happen due to bad bahaviour of public.
1 A strict guide line will be formed for behaviour on public place.
2 A heavy fine will be imposed on irresponsible behaviour on public place.
3 An awareness campaign will be started to trained general people.
4 All rules and regulation will be written on board for increase awareness.
5 Cooperative mentality is a way to solve this problem.
6 It should be included in school syllabus as a chapter for children and youth generation.
7 Responsible citizen will be awarded publicly for inspiration of other people.
8 It is a parent's duty to learn about good behaviour on public place.
Indian citizens directly cast their votes for 3-4 different offices, namely MP (Member of Parliament), MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly), Corporator, and Mayor (in some cities). However, it is a common misconception that these offices are structured hierarchically, with the MP at the top and the Corporator at the bottom. This is not the case.
All three offices are independently elected, and there is no reporting structure between them. This means that no one office is more "powerful" than another. They simply have different roles to perform.
While it is true that a larger number of people elect the MP than MLA or Corporator, this does not mean that the MP is more powerful. All three offices are equally important, and they work together to ensure the smooth functioning of govt at all levels.
It is important for citizens to understand the different roles and responsibilities of MPs, MLAs, and Corporators, so that they can hold the right person accountable for the right issue