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28 जुलाई 2024 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 03, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 26, 2024
18:15 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
Respected Honourable primeminister sir, I Akula Ramanjaneyulu, junior lecturer in economics, government junior college, Rajampeta request you that please accept my suggestions about make as Shresta bharath.
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
With due respect I want to inform you that I am an ordinary common citizen of India. I am writing this letter to say my “Mann Ki Baat”. At first, I want to give my heartfelt congratulations to you for becoming the prime minister of India for the third time.
Sir, you have done many things for developing our country in last ten years. Many people getting benefits of your policies. But there were many dark sides in the administration of Indian Government. You have not taken any steps for giving Jobs to unemployed youths, giving easy loan for starting new business. Whenever an unemployed youth going to take loan from any bank, they asking for Guarantor, Collateral Securities etc. In our country whenever a poor person wanting to set up new Businesses, he suffers for getting several clearances from BLRO, Municipality, Development Authority, Pollution Control Board. It’s very tuff for getting all the clearance without giving Money to the official. So, your action is required.
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024