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Discussion on Amendments in the MSMED Act 2006

Discussion on Amendments in the MSMED Act 2006
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 05, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 05, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

The Ministry of MSME is in the process of amending the MSMED Act, 2006. In this regard, this Ministry had consulted various central Ministries/Department/State Govt./Industry ...

The Ministry of MSME is in the process of amending the MSMED Act, 2006. In this regard, this Ministry had consulted various central Ministries/Department/State Govt./Industry Associations/other stakeholders & general public.

Based on the consultations and written inputs received from various stakeholders, the amendments proposed in the MSMED Act, 2006 are based on the following four key pillars:

A) Enhancing inclusivity and broad-basing the scope of the Act;
B) Future-proofing the Act;
C) Improving co-ordination under the Act;
D) Enhancing the ease of business in the ecosystem;

A) Enhancing Inclusivity and Broad-basing the scope of the Act
• Accord statutory status to Udyam registration for availing benefits under the Act.
• Provision for credit guarantee coverage to Micro and Small Enterprises by Government.
• Enabling provisions to address issues of credit gap; shortage of working capital; ensure adequate, affordable, and timely finance to enterprises; minimize the incidence of financial stress among enterprises; and leverage new and emerging platforms and technologies such as the Trade Receivables Discounting System, Account Aggregator Framework, etc.
• Provision for targeted mechanisms for capacity building of women, members of SC and ST, and rural artisans and craftspeople and provisions for market access, financial and digital literacy.
• Inclusion of cottage, village, and coir industries as rural artisans and craftspeople in the MSME classification scheme, to promote rural industries and enterprises.
• Inclusion of Medium Enterprises in the dispute resolution framework

B) Future-proofing the Act
• Strengthen provisions for technological upgradation and green technology to enhance productivity, quality, and competitiveness.
• Enabling provisions for the adoption of energy-efficient, sustainable technologies by MSME.
• Designation of a Green Fund to support the energy transition of MSME and integration in the global value chain.
• Addressing industrial obsolescence among enterprises.
• Promoting technological upgradation and research and development among enterprises.
• Encouraging the adoption of sustainable technology solutions by enterprises.

C) Improving coordination
• Streamline the structure, working, and functions of the National Board and the Advisory Committee to make them lean, efficient, and responsive to the requirements of MSME, and strengthen the monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
• Provision to set up an adequate number of Facilitation Councils in States for better access to MSMEs, along with an incentive structure to promote competition and good performance among them.
• The composition of the Facilitation Councils may be prescribed by the State Government.

D) Enhancing Ease of Business in the Ecosystem
• Provisions for the decriminalisation of offences by converting criminal fines into civil penalties.
• Simplification of regulatory clearance mechanism and procedure for establishment and management of MSME by making suitable provisions in the Rulemaking powers of the appropriate Government.
• Creating and encouraging the adoption of digital solutions to improve transparency and foster a culture of accountability
• Make the adjudication process simpler and speedier, aligning it with the alternative dispute resolution framework and online dispute redressal.

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फिर से कायम कर देना
768 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
Muthuselvam Gugan
Muthuselvam D 1 महीना 1 week पहले

The central government should help MSMEs to purchase the smart office software they need.
Software is essential for checking income, expenses, calculating taxes, handling invoices, tenders, details.
A scheme should be started to provide office computer and other electronic equipment at subsidized rates to entrepreneurs doing e-commerce activities.
The central govt should regulate non-bank financial service providers. Extortionate interest rates plague MSMEs.
The state government's electricity department also follows the practice of peak hour charging to discourage MSMEs, which is daylight robbery.
The regulations of the state govts are burdensome for the MSMEs, so the central government should create a separate cabinet for MSMEs.
When a separate ministry is set up, law, justice, finance, infrastructure development, education, regulations and digital related matters can be given separate focus for this sector.

Muthuselvam Gugan
Muthuselvam D 1 महीना 1 week पहले

FARMER PRODUCER ORGANIZATION should also be included in the list of MSME. Co-operative production should be encouraged. MSMEs should also be encouraged to jointly offer a product or service.
This will help industries in an area to thrive.
Steps taken by the central government to increase FARMER PRODUCER ORGANIZATION (FAP) are welcome, but the steps taken by the state governments are not good. Co-operative and private affiliates like FARMER PRODUCER ORGANIZATION should be formed in all sectors.Many leading textile companies have joined forces to create a brand in Tirupur.
Its sales have also been good. Many MSME companies should jointly produce and sell common brands and make way in the laws.

Bringing MSMEs in Industrial Disputes & Settlement Acts is welcome. Settlement should be reached within 30 days in District or Zonal Tribunals.
Settlements must be reached within the payment term.
Agriculture-related MSMEs may be allowed to enter into agricultural contracts.


The Ministry of MSME is in the process of amending the MSMED Act, 2006. In this regard, this Ministry had consulted various central Ministries/Department/State Govt./Industry Associations/other stakeholders & general public.

Based on the consultations and written inputs received from various stakeholders, the amendments proposed in the MSMED Act, 2006 are based on the following four key pillars:

Manoj Chhetri 1 महीना 2 सप्ताह पहले

भारत सरकार को बड़ा से बड़ा कदम उठाने की जरूरत है और उसका साथ देने के लिए हर भारतीय को खड़ा होने की बहुत ही जरूरत है जय हिंद जय भारत वंदे मातरम जय भीम

Adarsh Pandey 1 महीना 2 सप्ताह पहले

Delayed payments to micro and small enterprises:

he Act stipulates that the payments for supplies or services have to be cleared in favour of micro and small enterprises within 45 days of acceptances. The State Government shall, by notification, constitute one or more Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council to monitor the matter of delayed payments

Power to make Rules:

The Central Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out the provisions of the Act.
The State Government may also, by notification, make rules to carry out the provisions of the Act.

Adarsh Pandey 1 महीना 2 सप्ताह पहले

level of employment in a class or classes of enterprises;
level of investment in plant and machinery or equipments;

Discretionary for a micro or small enterprise and also for a medium enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services,
Obligatory (compulsory) for a medium enterprise engaged in the manufacture or production of goods pertaining to any industry specified in the First Schedule (IDR Act),
For medium enterprises, the Central Government shall specify by notification the authority with whom they would file memorandum,
In respect of micro & small enterprises the State Govt.

Adarsh Pandey 1 महीना 2 सप्ताह पहले

Measures for promotion, development and enhancement of competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises:

Extension of credit facility for micro, small and medium enterprises,
Preference policies in procurement of goods and services for micro and small enterprises,
Provision for Central funds.

kunal kishore_11
kunal kishore 1 महीना 2 सप्ताह पहले

MSMED act is a revolutionary step for development of msme sector.some changes has been necessary according to time.my view is to a msme portal has been opened for registered all enterprises.second local administration should be accountable for available all basic facility.third provision of punishment for any fraud and anti social activity.fourth a block level msme committees has been formed for inspection of all thing at grass route level.

kunal kishore_11
kunal kishore 1 महीना 2 सप्ताह पहले

MSMED act is a big step for grass route changes in msme sector.some changes has been necessary according to time.my view is to policy has been framed for grass route level enterprises.second msme sector has been protect from different legal hurdle.third promote innovation and creativity in msme sector.fourth a proper training facility will be given to all trader.